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Do i need a vendors persmission to add them to a style card for a body shape i have made?


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Do I need a vendors permission to add them to a style card for a body shape i want to sell on the market place?

I made my own shape that i want to sell on the market place. I want to add a style card that tells the buyer how to get the same look as I did. Do i need the venders of the skin, eyes, hair styles, clothes that i used on my avatar permission to have thier shops in the style card?

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7 answers to this question

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I'm not sure what sort of "style" card you're thinking of.  If you mean that you intend to sell the vendor's shape as if you had made it, you'll need more than permission.  Forgiveness, perhaps.  If you mean something like "This shape will look great if you are wearing the dress called Big Momma that Avatar Bob made.  Visit his shop at .....", that's a great idea.  Avatar Bob might even be interested in creating a package deal for customers who buy both items.

When in doubt, visit the Intellectual Property Policy page.

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I made the shape. But I want to include a style card that says where to find the skin I used and which skin, the hair that was used and which hair and so on. Do I need each vendor's permission to use him or her and thier items on the style card?


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Oh, I see. Then it really is like the second case I mentioned. No, you don't need the creator's permission. After all, when I or any dressmaker models a dress, we are wearing a skin, hair, eyes, etc. that someone else created. If you're selling a shape, just make it clear that the customer is buying JUST the shape, so you don;t get angry customers. Now, it still might be a cool idea to approach the creator of the skin and say, "Look how great your skin looks on my shape. Is there a way we can work together to market both?" You never know.. Both of you could get more sales out of a deal like that. Unless the skin creator is selling his OWN shapes ....... :)

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Strictly speaking, you don't need that permissions, your style card is only information (and a very good and useful information selling shapes!). But the Rolig and Lindal advices are very interesting.

Side note: thinking in new Residents, don't forget add to the descripticon of your shape in the Marketplace that SkinEyesHairEtc are not included :)

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