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Problem with shoe shapes and invisiprims

Suki Hirano

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Don't know if it's just a problem with Firestorm, but I'm experiencing an odd problem with shoe shapes and/or invisiprims. This heels I'm wearing uses both an alpha and invisiprims, the alpha deletes the bottom part of the feet, while a small invisiprim at the back of the heels hides the sole of the feet.

This is what I see on my screen:



This is what my friend sees:


We're both running latest version of Firestorm, both using Windows 7 64bit, and I'm wearing the exact same heels in both pictures obviously. Only difference is she has all graphics set to max, while I have most graphics set to low, she has local lighting turned off while I have local lighting turned on.

Does anyone know what's causing this?

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It's a baking problem for her, but in any case, you don't need both alpha and invisiprim for those shoes.  A properly made alpha will hide all the relevant avatar mesh just fine, and invisiprims were created using a bug that will soon be obsolete, rendering them both useless and ugly.

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If you are planning on selling these, make an alpha mask that works alone and lose the invisiprim because not only is it obsolete, it will deter sales now.   I won't buy shoes that rely on them anymore and I am far from alone in this.  In fact, I have gone through all my shoes and removed the invisiprims if i could and if i can't I no longer wear them unelss the creator provides an update without the invisiprim.

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As Pixie told you that is a baking problem you friend has,  i'm pretty sure, and others probably will see them correctly. Her viewer  msy noy render them correctly if the data is being dropped when it downloads to it.  It may also be her computer isn't rending alphas correctly.  If she see's other alpha's correctly i bet its the former, if she doesn't its the latter.   Ask some other people to take a look at them in world if you want to be sure.

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I have the same problem with a hat I wear. I see it on properly but my friend who also uses Viewer 3 sees my hair sticking out through it. I run SL on low graphics settings while my friend runs SL on ultra graphics settings with all graphic features turned on. 

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