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Why has my total Lindens increased by small amounts recently?


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A couple of days ago my total Lindens increased by 3L. Today I noticed it was up by 8L. I do not sell goods or services, nor have I purchased any goods or services. Why has this happened?

Follow up:

Thank you all for your responses. Seems there is one group that I did pay to join, I think, as one respondent said, I am receiving group dividends. Thank you. I think it is a good policy to share, because that way I'll get back the join fee. (I did check my transactions history but there was no record of the deposits - delay perhaps?)

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3 answers to this question

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Do you belong to one or more groups in which your role has the ability to share group liabilities and assets?  Most of the time, people come here complaining that they are losing a few L$ each week because they are paying group liabilites.  You may be gaining them because the group is earning and sharing income.  You can check easily enough by going to your dashboard at secondlife.com and seeing what it says at Account >> Transaction History.  In any case, my advice is the same as it would be if you were losing L$.  Don't get too excited. L$8 is less than 4 cents US.  That's not enough for a very big party.  :smileyhappy:

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Sounds like group dividends.  An example would be a group that you have to pay to join, but owns no land and runs no ads, so everyone who is already a member splits the pot every time someone else pays to join.  A couple groups I belong to operate this way to deter people from joining simply to cause trouble.

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