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Can the Inventory Main Files be in bold and RED

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Riviera, this is a forum, we are users just like you, hi and hello.

Your inventory looks very unorganized, you know that? One clever way to make the main folders stand out is by making your own folders stand out even more. Let me tell you what I did: I made folders for stuff I use often, CLOTHES (in which I created subfolders for Ballgowns, Jeans, Business, Leisure, Victorian/Steampunk, Tops, Shoes (with subfolders for Boots, Heels, Sneakers, Sandals, Skates), Leathers, Bikinis, Sailing gear), VEHICLES (with subfolders for Bikes, Planes, Helis, Airships), BODY SHOP (Hairs, Skins, Shapes, AOs, Poses), SAILING (Boats, Nav tools, Timer, Maps & Charts, Buoys, ARCHITURE (Houses, Buildings, Internal Design, Furniture, Garden, Plants) and some more folders.

When I buy new stuff I sort it away into the corresponding folder immediately!

That way my inventory always looks tidy and clean and the LL created main folders are pretty much visible because they aren't as visibe as my own folders.Even after more than 5 years in SL my inventory index fits on one screen height.


And please don't be fooled by fools claiming they don't use the main folders. They must be terribly unactive residents. For example my Notecards folder must be the biggest folder in my entire inventory. Of course I made subfolders for different categories in there as well. Even started packing notecards in boxes now, as well as other stuff. That way I keep the invent on a little over 30k items, since years.


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LOL. To be fair, Riviera may be referring to her Inventory as it appears on her Recent tab, with Most Recent sorted to top (as her example shows). That can certainly be useful at times, but having another Inventory window open (with folders sorted by name, natch) to move all those new goodies to can be even more useful.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

And please don't be fooled by fools claiming they don't use the main folders. They must be terribly unactive residents. For example my Notecards folder must be the biggest folder in my entire inventory. Of course I made subfolders for different categories in there as well. Even started packing notecards in boxes now, as well as other stuff. That way I keep the invent on a little over 30k items, since years.

The only use of the system folders that I have is for the arrival of items.  I move everything to other folders - inlcuding my own Notecards, Calling Cards, Landmarks, etc...(not that I actually keep many notecards or LMs anyway).  That is how I more easily keep track of what I have dealt with and filed.  Pretty much nothing lives in one of my system folders for more than a day.

And while I don't log in as much as I used to, I've maintained that method of inventory usage since my early days in SL.  My primary inventory index also fits on one screen - and my inventory is over 100k.

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LittleMe: Sorrysorrysorry, I didn't know your method. Well, I'm a OCD packrat and keep NCs and LMs for like eternity. I only delete LMs when I TP to a store only to find out it has moved or closed.

Grifffin: yes, just like LittleMe I just noticed it now. Riviera's screenshot is of her Recent tab, which I clean out almost immediately after receiving any stuff.

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You need to create a JIRA for any suggestions you have but don't expect much action on this.  Everyone has their own method of sorting their inventory out to keep it so that its easy to find things and there would probably be as many people against this as there may be for it. LL generally only acts on suggestions like this when there is a mass of people that comment positively on the suggestion and watch it, but even if this happens they still may not act on the suggestion.  Many suggestions that have been made that received lots of support still languish years later.

As suggested, sort your files so that your system folders are always on top and you will spot them very easily.

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You know, years ago we  used to be able to do exactly THIS. Customize our UI to fit our exact need. Ofcourse it took a little digging and research, but overall it was as simple as modify the string data in an .ini file ( this was client side only too).

When I presnted knowledge on how to do this ( where people were asking once again if LL could change this and change that) people simply dismissed the suggestion and wanted the big boys at the Lab to do it for us residents (after all we are residents and we're entitled by golly!). Well I warned people clearly that we  DON'T want LL to come in and outright throw changes on us through their direction soley, and look what we have now? We have a viewer with UI none of us exactly are in tandom with at times. Had it been left up to residents to create ( this is an option now only available to persons who have the patience and means of making their own viewer) the way SL had started out as in a frontier sort of way with the resident directing the platform/client and inventory to suit their needs.

So the short answer is, Yes, you can have folders bolded in red and possibly any color you want, but you'll have to create the viewer capable for that on your own, and it being a TPV, you probably won't get alot of guidance or support on the LL end unless you're heavy into the Dev team talk and such. Also you have to remember that Inventory is directly linked to the Database in one way or another especially now with Direct Delivery. ( LL even took over the original SL marketplace that a RESIDENT created). Luckily the Lindens don't read or  answer these forums ( or so I've  heard ) so I know I won't log in one day to Main System folders being in bold red any time soon.

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Hunter Stern wrote:


Luckily the Lindens don't read or  answer these forums ( or so I've  heard ) so I know I won't log in one day to Main System folders being in bold red any time soon.

Actually sometimes Lindens do read the forums.  Not on regular basis, but they indeed do have a peek on the forums occasionally and even reply sometimes.

So, be prepared for (very unlikely) bold red surprise...  :smileywink:

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You can do custom skinning of the viewer. I dont know how in depth it gets to colors of system folders but you can check out the skinning page on how to edit the XML files

this is the colors heavily commented




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  • 1 month later...

Thank You Griffen ! .. *chuckling* ... I did know about this tip as a matter of fact I wrote a post about  Inventory clean up here


I do use the system folders considerably especially the *Outfit Folder* and the *Animations folders*. I keep the *Recent* menu tab on a 30 day filter since I am blogger and I do receive an important volume of prims daily. Still a diligent discipline is required to keep my inventory at bay, not an easy task. Thank you so much for all the feedback.




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