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Lillipilli Tigerpaw

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I have almost 100 items in my unassociated inventory that need deleting. I cant select all then delete...oops! we are sorry there has been an issue, continue shopping????

I wasnt shopping...Im trying to work!!!

How else can we delete these items without having to do it one by freakin one????

I am slowly starting to detest this new mp crap!

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The "official" work around...

In other words...

They can't fix it yet so you have to spend hours adding and deleting items until they can work out how to fix an issue.

I have been deleting them one by one, or sometimes 2 at a time.....there is no other option...im just sayin.....find out what the issue is and fix it......PLEASE! :womanfrustrated:

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Vick Forcella wrote:

Did you see the last entry in
made by Gus Georgia?

Look at his store. It's a total shock.


Yes I did but it's a flagpole, not a flag :P

It's not the first item that is adult that has been shown on a G listing. 

While LL sit playing "keyword filter" and steadfastly refuse to grow up and share that list of bad words to save them from legal action or whatever puerile stance has been taken, their own screw up has released more listings with the wrong images and adult at that, than any merchant ever did.

Sweet irony.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

 That is way worse

Indeed. Our little ramblings bleach seeing that. Some items have been flagged, which is correct and will probably be removed. However, when things are fixed (....) guess who will have to place items back in a store...? And on what way could Gus ever get his reputation back?

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Vick Forcella wrote:

on what way could Gus ever get his reputation back?

He can't. He could however request compensation for his loss.

Although Linden Lab -- even in the face of the most extreme breeches -- is never friendly enough to proactively grant even the smallest of recompense , compensation can be legally pursued. Simply by Linden Lab never offering to make amends, they put the onus on residents to suggest appropriate settlements.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

Vick Forcella wrote:

on what way could Gus ever get his reputation back?

He can't. He could however request compensation for his loss.

Fine but he'd have to demonstrate what that loss was in any sensible procedings.  How many Hawaiian flags would have been sold instead of strap-ons?  I doubt it would amount to enough to pay for the postage in any such action.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

he'd have to demonstrate what that loss was in any sensible procedings

How about this. There has been a time where it was promoted to linke RL names with SL names. Suppose this,

Gus his wife left him, after burning the house, thinking he plays a shemale in SL. He got fired thanks to SL. And is now living in a wrecked car.

The Marketplace should be shutdown for the duration of this Jira.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Delete the items from the magic box and sync it, then they won't come back.

I haven't tried it but I currently have all listed items correct. HOWEVER, there is a "repeat" of 3 of the items with another merchant's image but the same title, description, etc. of 3 of my listed correct items.  Clicking the borked listings goes to the MP Homepage.  I can't delete the images because they don't show up in my edit.  (Basic jira issue of which we're all aware.)

If I deleted my correct items that have the same name as the borked listings from my MB and sync...would the wrong listings go away?  (Just thinking out loud here...I have no idea.)

Saying they miraculously did...then could I relist the correct items without any relisting TOS issue?

Since all I have are repeats of the same item with images of shoes I'm not too concerned overall, considering the state of the MP, how it stands now.  The shoes can't be ordered (I don't think) because clicking the ad goes to the homepage.

I hope all that made sense...first caffeine hit of the day. :)


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Vick Forcella wrote:

If I understand correclty deleting and relisting is a no-no. I was told it's a breach of some policy and you'd loose your stars and reviews. OTOH, I'd relist if I had such a mess and take my chances.

That was my concern about relisting.  That was discussed somewhere in these forums a few months ago and I was told by more knowledgeable merchants that the TOS specification on delisting/relisting was due to unscrupulous types with negative reviews taking their product out then immediately relisting it so the negative reviews were gone.  Apparently relisting after a certain period of time is within the TOS. 

The current wrong listings on my MP site are shoes (as opposed to some awful stuff others are experiencing), clicking it goes to the MP home page, and the correct product listing is also in my MP so I'm not terribly concerned about it.  Was just curious if what Sassy recommended woud take away the shoe photos.

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I'll try again at some point.

I'd just like to point out, though, what a comparatively unimportant issue this is.

I'd hate to see Lindens fixing this when they could be fixing stuff that actually affects whether or not people are able to get their deliveries and payments completed.

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True, its a matter of priorities. Everything is broken ( *ahem* ...except their obvious #1 priority, the getting money to Lindens bit works perfectly... *ahem* ) so first they should fix the big stuff.


  • Correct images & listing information to ensure trustworthy non-confusing shopping experience.
  • Reliable transactions that ensure merchants are paid 100% of time.
  • Reliable transactions that ensure customers receive item 100% of time.

After these fixes, everything else is BONUS (if they ever complete the three above fixes) :catsad:

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