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Good Mesh tutorials ?

Mannon Mannonen

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Hi !

I was wondering if there are some good mesh with blender tutorials without using Jass (with Jass we create sculpties instead of mesh, not even sure if that is true?)

As you see i am brand new into blender and i figured out how to create in blender but  the land impact is always very high !
I tried to create some other dae files to use for low and lowest LOD already and also tried to put an simple 8 faces physical shape to upload too but all this doesn't seem to help...

Can somebody teach me how to do this correct ? Because i don't want to be an creator with high render costs.. but don't know the sollution..

Hope someone can help me out here !
BTW: i really want to create mesh items NOT sculpties.. ty !!

Can't find any tutorials on the web :(

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Hi Keli thank you for your quick respond !

Yes ! I did most of these tutorials but then i get stucked by SL.
The problem is my High Land Impact, for an simple tree (including the leaves) I get an impact of 52 or higher !!
There must be a way to lower the impact and still have lots of faces, because i saw complete buildings with landimpacts of 10 !

And most other items are very detailed with mesh, to me it means those items have lots of faces and vertices.
Sooo, maybe i miss some nice trick or something.. don't know what it is but i can't use an simple tree with an impact that high ???


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Hi Zak !

thank you for your reply too and thank you for that link !
I didn't have that one yet ;)

But maybe i can follow classes in sl for blender ? And i don't mean the simple classes from Builders Brewery, i might learn some things at their place but most things they tell i already know.

 I am searching for some more advenced classes in Blender !
Like i said: i know the interface already.. i just need help with uploading these meshes to Second Life... :(

Thanks for your help this far, i am going to read the webpage you did send me :)
There are always lots of things to learn in Blender ;)

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The tutorial sites Keli posted links to are very good. I can throw in a couple more. http://www.youtube.com/user/ashasekayi?feature=watch and http://blog.machinimatrix.org/ .

The trick with SL mesh is to keep things low-poly, and to manage your LODs the best way possible. The link Zak posted to the wiki should get you up to speed on this.

Good Luck!

- Luc -

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Yes i know the tutorial sites Keli posted and i learned much at those sites too, i already did most of these tutorials  ;)

And the tuts from Ashasekayi and Caia are very helpfull too, i tried to do them all but some are for blender 2.49 and not working for 2.63 !
But i was just wondering somebody in world could give some classes about Blender too.

Because the classes i did find inworld where all talking about Jass pro, wich is an very good programm too but i don't think i can get mesh out of Jass Pro.

Or ?? Well i did get nice sculpties from Jass :P

But now i want to learn something new and Mesh is an very nice challenge, i think i just keep on practicing and hope i figure out why those land impact thing is that high all the time ;)
I am going to look at my tree again to make it lower poly and manage the LODs the best way possible, whatever that means... :(
But.. is it possible ?? To create an mesh tree with only the cost of 2 Li in sl ???
Because.. that is what i am trying to get !

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I think you need to understand the land impact calculations better. For a tree, we can probably use a very simple physics shape, so that it's the download weight that is the problem. You can check that by using the More Info link in the edit dialog, which will tell you the phsyiocs and dowload weights so that you can see which is deretrmining the land inpact (whichever is higher.

As you guessed, it is the LOD meshes that are going to have the most effect on your tree, although modelling each leaf is always going to be exepensive. That is why trees are usually made with the leaves appearing as the opaque parts of an alpha texture, allowing the model to have much fewer polygons. To get a lower land impact, you will have to use this sort of technique at least on the lower LODs, if not for the highest.

There is a complicated relationship between the effectiveness of LOD meshes at reducing the land impact and the size of the model. This is discussed in detail here. Trees are likely to be in the range of sizes where the lowest LOD has no effect. That means you need to concentrate on the low LOD to get effective reduction in download weight, but that the medium LOD is important too. If you can make a model where the high LOD has the detail you want, but use transparent leafy textures at the medium and low LODs, you should be on the right track.

I suggest you do some experiments with different complexity meshes by uploading them on Aditi (where it's free) until you have a good feel for what you can expect for a certain amount of detail and how well the weight is reduced by using much less complex lower LODs.

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See if this updated Mesh Clothing Tutorial helps: Second Life Mesh Clothes Blender 2.6 Setup 2012 Tutorial.

This is mostly about getting Blender ready for clothes making in Second Life. The first page of the tutourial has an index or may be contents list is more accurate. So, you can see if it is what your are looking for.

It contains a couple of pages on the default avatar and shape. Another page on how to get custom shapes out of Second Life.

JASS does sculpties and Mesh, if I remember correctly. Avastar does more with Mesh and Animations. While I think they are both great programs, I made the tutorial so you can learn to make clothes without having to buy anything.


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Decimate might help for some things, or meshlab. Meshlab is in existance to help reduce polies in a better than already existing way. So, it does pretty well and is sort of the latest cutting edge way. Decimate or other reduce scripts, plugins or programs built into 3D progs(blelnder has some available to, I think at least one is included...wow, my memory! wow.) do a bit of an OK job but you might end up going in to fix things. Meshlab is a bit better from what I have heard, though maybe not for all things. All of this is free, so it may be worth a try!

Tutorials on blender for SL? Hhhm, you might want to check out any tricks on lowering polies but I know exactly what you mean though! I see a tut about normal maps....SL doesn't do normal maps! lol. Then I see another on something else but that will not work for SL ect. I think searching this forum and asking (like you just did) might help out because there are some very active helpers here compared to the whole world which just shrugs!Maybe you are doing what is best right now, and I can help no more with this! Yup, I can't remember any tutorials. But I will say this, reducing polygons is sort of universal! So any low poly game tut might help you pick up a trick or two.

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