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Request for Redelivery on Unpurchased Merchandise

Ninja Krokus

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I've been getting requests for customer service lately that are a little off. The person has always ordered merchandise from my store, but the items they want redelivered are not the items they purchased.

Such as, they'll order *FN* 2 Pose, but they'll ask that *FN* 15 Pose be redelivered (*FN* is the abbreivation of my store name just fyi)

Is this an actual bug on the marketplace or is this an attempt at scamming? Is anyone else having this issue?

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Hi Ninja,

A few questions for you -

- DD or Magic Box?

- Is the listing one of the "scrambled" listings?

- Is it the one person or multiple people?

- Did you test deliver to yourself to see what's delivered (or maybe the wrong pose was packed in the box if it's a boxed product)

- Edited to add - If it is DD, then you can check the contents of the folder on your listing under "contents"

- What does their order history say when they copy/paste it for you?

To date, I haven't heard of this kind of mix-up, although anything is possible. If it is just one person, your listing is fine (not scrambled), the test delivery delivers the right item to you, and their order history says it is the FN 2 Pose not the FN 15 pose, perhaps they made a mistake when they ordered and it isn't the system. 

If the item is copy ok, there shouldn't be any worries to redeliver. If it is transferable, have them send the pose back to you and replace it with the one they wanted (just a suggestion).

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- DD or Magic Box?

Direct Delivery

- Is the listing one of the "scrambled" listings?

They're not scrambled, i'm pretty sure about that, but it always seems to be the same variation of poses, namely the poses i make the 1st Act Werewolf Avatar, or it'll only concern the poses that come with the same prop.

- Is it the one person or multiple people?

Multiple, it's happened 3 times now

- Did you test deliver to yourself to see what's delivered (or maybe the wrong pose was packed in the box if it's a boxed product)

When I migrated the listings over to direct delivery i tested each one to make sure it works

- Edited to add - If it is DD, then you can check the contents of the folder on your listing under "contents"

- What does their order history say when they copy/paste it for you?

What I've noticed that it is consistent is that they'll either type out the names of the poses, or they'll copy their order over, and it's always a multiple item purchase. They'll request one of the poses that they actually ordered to be redelivered, but the rest of them are not what they ordered, and it looks like they swap out names for other poses.

From there they'll claim they can't find it anywhere in their inventory, and since my items are no transfer i'll redeliver it to them, they'll claim they still are unable to find it and request i send the poses they did not order.

Eventually they'll say "oh their in my received items folder!" (after i've told them to check 3 times) and the situation is over.

I still think it smells a little bit like a scam, but considering the problem started when I migrated to Direct Delivery... i'm just not sure.

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Since switching to DD, I've had several shoppers not be able to find items (either they really didn't receive them, or, they can't seem to find the received items folder). Like you, mine are copy, so I redeliver. I haven't encountered anyone saying they received the wrong thing. 

Really, the only things you can do are 1) post here (as you've done) to see if anyone else has the same issue; 2) keep track of what's happening, because if it continues, then you may want to create a JIRA (for that you'll need plenty of screenshots, order history, etc. to demonstrate the issue).


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If Marketplace only - use the redeliver function - that way you'll only redeliver what they purchased anyway.

If 3 people though it does sound like you may still want to check again each item to ensure what is being delivered in the content matches the item description in the meantime in case something got corrupted (if that is even possible) since you last tested the transition.

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