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Visitor Announcer

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At the place where I work we have a thing called Lobby alert. Every time someone visits the place all our group members get a message in local chat saying "xy is visiting..." with the link to click and quickly tp to the place. Is that what you want?


Edited to add lol, its this item: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/visitor-employee-pager-club-scanner-staff-pager-staff-alert-visitor-scanner/272689

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Ok, that can be done.  It'll be difficult to maintain, laggy and spammy though.

You'd need to keep copying and updating a list of group members into a notecard or other source the script can read.  Since those people will be all over the grid you'll need to use IMs, each of which will pause the script for 2 seconds.  That means you'll probably want to use several 'slave' scripts to send the messages, depending on how quickly you want everyone to be notified.  I'm not quite sure how often you wanted people informed about the same person but if you're not just reporting arrivals then that'll be extra IM traffic.  You also have to consider the IM throttle to reduce spamming - if you have 100 people in the group and 25 people detected in 30 minutes you'll hit the cap, for instance.  All those messages will probably get very annoying, very quickly for most group members (and think of them all piling-up in email too!)

'Pull' may be better than 'push' - each group member wears a repeater-object if they want to get the updates.  Each repeater requests current state from central logger, which acts as an HTTP server.

Depends on your requirements though.

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At the place where I work we have a thing called Lobby alert. Every time someone visits the place all our group members get a message in local chat saying "xy is visiting..." with the link to click and quickly tp to the place. Is that what you want?

Yes, that's what I want to. Peter, I know it can be annoying, but I still want it. Thank you for answering. Oh, and I don't mean I want a greeter

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They are probably using a bot or an alt logged in with another viewer and using LSL scripts to detect users in area. then it sends the response to the bot and the bot in turns sends message to the group

MetaBolt viewer actually has a plugin for this

Metabolts group responder



Also the Group IM Broadcaster which can be used to brocast an IM to the group . which the visitor script can detect user. send IM to the bot and the Im is then relayed to the group



There are other bots that can easily do this Like JVA bot

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Just to clarify something:  when a chat message is sent to channel 0 (i.e., what you've called the main or local chat), then

#1 It is seen by everyone within range no matter what groups they may or may not be in.

#2 It is only seen by people within range.  Any group member not within range will not see the chat message.

If you want a message to go to all group members, then you'll have to do as Peter explained (notecard list and IM) or as Dilbert explained (use a bot to send a group message).

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If it's only to notify group members already in the region, I don't think this has to be all that laggy using llGetAgentList() and llRegionSayTo() (and maybe llOverMyLand() if the venue is smaller than a full region). These are relatively new functions, so any script older than maybe a month is not anything you'd want to use for this.  

Well... if there's a landing point set and all visitors are detected by collision, then the script wouldn't need llGetAgentList(), so maybe six months in that case, to be using llRegionSayTo() instead of IMs.

Of course, if it's to notify group members outside the region, too, it would have to use IMs -- but that's a sure way to drive members out of the group, due to spam.

The downside, as others have mentioned, is that you'd need some way of keeping the script updated about group membership.  For small, relatively static group lists, manually populating a notecard may be fine. Otherwise, yeah, a bot would pretty much have to be involved.

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