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How do we update our Landmarks??

Lillipilli Tigerpaw

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I am about to move land, thanks to owner selling, I have put all of my listings on the MP in folders to enable instant use with the direct delivery. In these folders are the item (gesture) a notecard and a LM.

How do i update the LM in all of these listings now? Do i have to do it in my inventory and then upload them to the marketplace again? And what happens with all the current listings? am i going to have multiple listings to go through? Am I going to have to delete all the listings again and re-add them one by one, cos i can tell you this, having to upload the same texture over 300 times is a right royal pain in the butt cos there isnt an option to allow you to add the texture to ALL of your listings like you can do for the permissions and such..

*takes a breath*

Can someone please help me?

Thanks :-)

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It's the same as any other change you want to make to a product. You'll have to resend the complete folders via your merchant outbox (include everything you want in the product, not just new/changed stuff), then edit the product listing and associate it with the new folder. The old folder will now be the one in unassociated inventory, so you can delete it to avoid confusion.

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Had the commerce team thought about what was required, had they engaged with the stakeholder of the project (us) and put some effort into what brought value then they'd have realised that there should be an option on the listing where template items could be uploaded which would be delivered along with the product.  These template items would be separate from the main listing and a check box on the main listing to include template items or not.

You would be able to add LM's, notecards for support, whatever.

Never forget though that we got a Facebook button and with 200+ JIRA's, there's just no further point in asking for any future features on MP.

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Never underestimate LL's ability to fail in a major way.

With the issues climbing and LESS functionality in DD than you have with magic boxes, the commerce team RUSHED to add this to MP listings:


Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.


But hey, it's a mad, mad Masquerade world.  :-P

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