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My Marketplace drop down isn't working....

Riverdog Ninetails

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Hi - I've just sent an item to the market place from my Merchant Outbox, I logged in to create a listing and I I can't select anything on the my Market Place drop down - e.g. Merchant Home the button just doens't work...I've tried it on another computer and it's working fine from there so I guess its something to do with my PC...it's always worked before any ideas how I can fix this ?

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Hi Riverdog! Last night another Merchant was having this same problem. It could be a browser issue. She was using IE7 and couldn't get the dropdown to work. I'm using Firefox and it's ok. I think it is working for her today because I haven't heard anything from her.  Might try logging out of the Marketplace, clearing your browser cache and rebooting to see if that helps (or try a different browser). It seems to be temporary, but frustrating.

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I have the same issue. I reported it however on the bug tracker and to support. I am also on IE9 and do not see why I would need to change my browser. This has been ongoing since May 17th. All my other buttons work fine. Just not able to access my marketplace account and cannot see more then 12 items per page as the other buttons are not working to see any more. 

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