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I can't terraform

Gustavo Fredrickson

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The land has all the permissions for me to terraform. I can select the changes, it shows the arrows and the lil tractor cursor but when I click the land doesn't change.

Another resident, not the owner, also tried and they could not apply the changes either.

My role is allowed to always edit terrain, as is the one of this other resident that couldn't.

Also, its not mainland. The owner can terraform it at will.

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2 answers to this question

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I'd be surprised if the landowner had set the perms so than Everyone can terraform.  That would be a griefer's paradise.  The perms are probably restricted to the group that the parcel is set to, and you need to have a role in that group that allows you to terraform group land.  Open the group's panel and click the Members & Roles tab.  Find your own name, highlight it to verify what role you have, and then click the Roles tab and look at details for the role that you have been assigned. The associated abilities are listed at the bottom, so scroll through them until you get to Parcel Powers and see whether the box for "Always allow 'Edit Terrain'" is checked. Many landowners only give terraforming rights to people in a managerial role.

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If it's Mainland, maybe the land doesn't change because it can't go any further.

Mainland allows you to terraform up to +/- 4 meters...but the plus and minus is measured from the initial contours when LL created the land.  If a previous owner has already raised the land 4 m, you can't raise it any higher.

EDIT:  If About Land has "Allow others to Edit Terrain" checked, and your group role says you are allowed to terraform, and you are wearing your group tag...then I'm out of ideas.  First, have the owner try restarting the region.  If that doesn't work, both you and the owner should file a support ticket.

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