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Keep getting logged out of SL after 2 or 3 mins

Blondie Uriza

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I keep getting that "Darn. You have been logged out" message after two or three minutes. Everything starts out fine, then I find that I can't move my avatar, then I get bumped out. I have used SL for a few years without any problems. I took a few months out and now on return find that I can't stay inworld for more than a couple of minutes. I have tried:

1. Uninstall/reinstall SL

2. Clearing Cache

3. Installing latest graphics driver

This is happening in all sims I visit, not just one,

System is as follows:

Second Life 3.3.1 (254524) Apr 24 2012 06:28:07 (Second Life Release) Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         860  @ 2.80GHz (2793.01 MHz) Memory: 8152 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.9610 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Vivox 3.2.0002.10426

Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 0/1,761 (0.0%)

Nothing on my system has changed, so why can't I stay logged in?

Have used speedtest.net to test connection with following results (I'm based in the UK using BT Broadband):


1. Using best ping server - ping 55ms: , Download: 2.51Mbps , Upload: 0.36Mbps

2. Using San Fransisco server - ping: 195ms , Download: 2.35Mbps , Upload: 0.37Mbps


Please help!


*update1* Nyll - thanks for the post - to answer your question, it's a BT Home Hub router that we've been using for ages. It worked fine previously with SL, so not sure why I'm having problems now. Will try it switching off and on - that's the one thing I HAVEN'T tried yet!

*update2* Thanks for the comments guys. Switched router off then on and logged into SL. Got booted out after a couple of minutes yet again :(

Don't know who the manufacturer of the Router is as it's just branded as BT Home Hub V1.5. Don't use wi-fi - pc is connected via ethernet.

On Pingtest got the following results:

1. Best Server (Milton Keynes, UK): 0% packet loss, Ping 44ms, Jitter 4ms, Grade A

2. To San Francisco: 0% Packet Loss, Ping 186 ms, Jitter 1ms, Grade B

Will try disabling http textures on the development menu in SL to see if that makes a difference (is this a new feature or would that always have been enabled?)

I have MacAfee installed on PC, but this has always been there (haven't changed any of the settings) so not sure why it would cause a problem now when it didn't in the past.



Have just tried to log into SL. Login failed twice at the region handshake part, got in at third attempt but yet again my avatar froze after a minute and I couldn't move or teleport anywhere. Http textures and inventory both unchecked.

Getting a bit worried that I'll never be able to get back to a normal SL experience again!


 **Update 4** Sunday May 20th

Ran tracert on www.secondlife.com to see if there's anything strange going on (I've not been able to log in at all today)

Can someone please help me interpret the results below?




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14 answers to this question

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First thing I'd try is simply unplugging your router for a few minutes then reconnect.

What router do you have? There is one Netgear router, the DGN1000 that caused problems for a number of SL users. Please refer to this thread and solution if this is the same router as you have.


I have issues with my Huawei router. It disconncects me after a few minutes if I teleport somewhere and it has to load new textures that are not in cache. I had to disable HTTP Textures in the Develop Menu (CTRL+ALT+Q) and use the standard UDP Textures to stop the crashing. Others have had HTTP textures issues too. I would try disabling it.

Your ping time to San Francisco is fine at 195. I get similar 170-195 ping times from Ireland and it's never caused an issue unless it goes out over 250 or so but that is extremely rare for me.

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Excellent!  Something wonderful's happening in Answers, this is the second question in a row where the person has explained clearly what the problem is, the error message and details of their system.  *Sob* I'm so happy.  Thank you.

As you have been using SL before I assume you're not using a wireless connection?  I have a BT Homehub router and have not had any compatability issues with it, nor heard of any.  You might want to try pingtest.net rather than speedtest.net - that will give you results that explain the quality of your line, not just its speed.

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Forgot to say how to edit your post but I see you found out. :)

According to Wikipedia, the earlier BT Home hubs were manufactured by Siemens as is the 3.0A. However, the BT 3.0B seems to be manufactured by Huawei and that raises a red flag for me regarding HTTP Textures in light of my experience. I don't know which particular model you have as the current BT website merely says BT Home Hub 3.

Let us know how you get on just by switching it off and then on again after a few minutes and if disabling HTTP Textures made any difference at all.

PS. Make sure your firewall and virus checker are not causing a problem with SL.

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Peter wrote: Excellent! Something wonderful's happening in Answers, this is the second question in a row where the person has explained clearly what the problem is, the error message and details of their system. *Sob* I'm so happy. Thank you.


It won't last Peter but at least it's made you happy for a while. :) I'm sure normality will return soon and we'll be back to "I can't login...why???????.


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Hey here's an idea maybe you guys could spend less time bitching and more time being helpful as I'm having the EXACT same issue. I'm on a T1 connection with a computer powerful enough to eat through a wall and no firewall issues, so I know it's not me as well, and I have numerous reports of other friends unable to stay logged in after the new update to the SL viewer.


Yet you guys have spent more time whining and sobbing than providing any kind of assistance. I'd say that's a little worse than people not providing you with system specs and everything else.

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I have a very similar problem. I keep getting logged out, can't move or chat with anyone. I have to retry it a random number of times. Sometimes 10 times. Then it'll eventually let me move. Restarting my internet has not proven an effective solution.

I don't know how to fix this.

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Worked well for ages...

The expected life for a router/gateway is 5 years... more or less. They are subject to voltage spikes unless you have a surge suppressor on the incoming connection from the ISP. Few of us do. Spikes take a toll on the electronics eventually causing failures.

Also, the technology in router/gateway devices changes like everything else. We are moving to IPv6. As more and more of the Internet infrastructure changes over to IPv6 the more we will see older hardware having a problem. 2017 has seen a big change in IPv4 and IPv6 use. 

Google tracks IPv6 adoption (Reference). We are just going above 20% this year. So, did your ISP or their backbone provider change over? Or someone along your pathway to the SL servers? Is your router REALLY IPv6 ready? 

Advertising hype and less than honest promotions may not provide the information you need regarding your router/gateway. HOWEVER, I would consider this a last resort sort of consideration when all else fails.

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Hi, sorry to bump an older thread but I am experiencing this now and I too have been through all the checks named in the original post. I recently switched to BT infinity and am thinking it must be to do with that but they are saying not. Please can someone return and comment on how they got around this issue? Thanks

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4 hours ago, Mericat Ireland said:

Hi, sorry to bump an older thread but I am experiencing this now and I too have been through all the checks named in the original post. I recently switched to BT infinity and am thinking it must be to do with that but they are saying not. Please can someone return and comment on how they got around this issue? Thanks

Pretty much guaranteed to be an internet issue of some sort and if you recently changed ISPs, then it is likely related to that.

Here's an article to help you debug it a bit:  http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/

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On 2/23/2018 at 12:31 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Pretty much guaranteed to be an internet issue of some sort and if you recently changed ISPs, then it is likely related to that.

Here's an article to help you debug it a bit:  http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/


On 2/23/2018 at 1:33 AM, Nalates Urriah said:

Don't be surprised when you ISP tells you it isn't them. You will likely find out later it is. The Troubleshooting article will show you how to get the information you need to show your ISP to get them to move.

Thanks both, I'll work my way through that and try to get to the bottom of it :)

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Sorry for bother here but im having the issue now i can stay logged for more than aminute and somethimes second i was playing without porblem for month and today my game is like this the pc is connected with cable but i cant connect , but if i use m uncle wifi i can use lumiya without porblem.  The router is new but as i said didnt have porblem for month and now this

On 1/11/2017 at 3:51 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

Worked well for ages...

The expected life for a router/gateway is 5 years... more or less. They are subject to voltage spikes unless you have a surge suppressor on the incoming connection from the ISP. Few of us do. Spikes take a toll on the electronics eventually causing failures.

Also, the technology in router/gateway devices changes like everything else. We are moving to IPv6. As more and more of the Internet infrastructure changes over to IPv6 the more we will see older hardware having a problem. 2017 has seen a big change in IPv4 and IPv6 use. 

Google tracks IPv6 adoption (Reference). We are just going above 20% this year. So, did your ISP or their backbone provider change over? Or someone along your pathway to the SL servers? Is your router REALLY IPv6 ready? 

Advertising hype and less than honest promotions may not provide the information you need regarding your router/gateway. HOWEVER, I would consider this a last resort sort of consideration when all else fails.





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Your numbers aren't all that bad. The longest round trip was 200+ ms, which while not great isn't horrible. You aren't being disconnected from a speed issue.

The likely problem is packet loss. You can test for packet loss by entering ping -n 218.51.###.###  Of course replace the #'s with the rest of a region IP address.

You can troubleshoot the problem with this information: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/

You can of course use the Viewer Statistics to see what it thinks the Ping and Packet Loss are. But, server factors get into the viewer's numbers. So, they are  not as clean as the Command Window numbers.

Also, you can look in the Second Life log file. At the end is a summary of the network connection stats.

I don't know how you are connecting via your wire and how that compares to an uncle's WiFi. Do they both go to the same gateway/modem?

Lumyia uses way fewer connections to SL. That your desktop connection is failing  and Lumyia working suggests a router/gateway problem. Shut everything down. Then bring up the gateway/modem, next any routers, switches, or relays, and then bring up the computer. Allow each one to fully reboot and stabilize before starting the next.

Older hardware has a hard time handling the multiple connections used by the viewer. The hardware can run out of channels. Some viewers do not to a good job of closing Internet connections when they finish using them. Restarting the hardware can clear orphaned connections.

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