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Account in reserve...

Rati Chun

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Your Free Account is yours. No need to change it's status in any way. No need to deactivate it either. Just come back when you are ready and it will be there waiting for you. Any inventory you may have acquired will likewise still be there as well. Rezzed objects in-world may or not be still there depending on where you rezzed them. On your own property, they will remain as long at the tiers or rents are paid up and current. If in a sandbox, the return policy for that sandbox will dictate when your rezzed objects are returned.


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KarenMichelle is absolutely right. You don't need to desactivate an account even if it is inactive for a long time. LL never deletes an account for inactivity. Moreover, if you delete it and wish to reactivate it later, there is a 9,95 USD fee for reactivation and part or all of the inventory, LMs and Linden Dollars associated to this account may be unrecoverable. I have had other accounts for many years that I almost never use, but they are still there with all their items. :smileyhappy:

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