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customise my avatar?


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2 answers to this question

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Welcome to SecondLife Amakaii,

Start by reading the information on the links on this page:


They will take you to the MarketPlace where avatar customization is a thriving business. There you may find New Skins, Shapes, Make-up,, Clothes, etc. In fact, you can get whole avatars if you prefer a surreal look or wish to become any of 100's of possible fantasy creatures.

The rest of the techniques are learned when using your avatar's inventory to control the exact details of your "look".

A detailed discussion can be found here in regards to modifying your avatar:





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You change its height, shape, colour, texture, clothing, fur, paint, species, visibility, animal/vegetable/mineral, composition and just about anything else you can think of.

You start all that by right-clicking on yourself for the pop-up menu.  Or right-clicking something in your inventory to attach/detach it.

But before you mess around with all that it is best to learn about how objects work in SL, otherwise you're likely to get frustrated.

And even that assumes you've downloaded, installed and run the viewer and logged-in to get in-world.

Have you?

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