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Cant connect

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Hi, I installed the viewer today and it wont let me connect.  I did a port test and all my ports are free and I even turned my firewall off.  Why isnt it connecting? I searched the internet and noticed many have this problem but there havent been any firm answers as to why this is happening.  Any help is appreciated----- thanks in advance! :-)

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Specs are a computer I built myself, now 2 yrs old (heh I should upgrade this over the next year.)


XP SP3 32 bit Q6600 processor EVGA 8800 GTS 640 112 SP GPU 2 GB DDR2-667 RAM  Latest Nvidia drivers installed plus Rivatuner MSI Afterburner and Nvidia Inspector for gaming profiles.


The error message basically says that Second Life cant connect and to check my internet connection (which is fine).  I even tested all the ports and turned off my firewall.  I used the default viewer and a bunch of other viewers including Phoenix, Firebird and CatzNip.  I got the same error message on all of them. 

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It would be good to know what the error message is specifically rather than "basically".   There's some information about error messages in the wiki.

If it's anything about not being able to resolve the domain name or find the server, it could be a problem with your ISP's DNS resolution service.   Try using Google's Public DNS service by following the instructions here.   It can't do any harm, and often fixes this sort of issue.

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It's just a standard error message which doesn't tell you what's going on at all.  I tried the standard viewer, Firestorm and Catznip and all of them give the same error message.  It says this:


We're having trouble connecting.  There may be a problem with your internet connection or the Second Life Grid.


You can either check your internet connection and try again in a few minutes, click Help to view the Second Life Support Portal or click Teleport to attempt to teleport home.


None of that works of course.  I wish there was some diagnostic/debugging thing to figure out EXACTLY what's going on. 

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Hmmm...  have you tried using Google's Public DNS to see if that makes a difference?  

Since we know it's not your computer or internet connection, and since we also know the grid isn't down, it has to be something between the two.   Your ISP's DNS lookup is a possible culprit (I've resolved connection problems to SL by switching to Google in the past).

ETA -- You could try running Traceroute on  login.agni.lindenlab.com and see if that indicates where it's falling over.

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hmmmmm this is weird I just ran Tracert from the command line and it immediately says the website is unreachable (without even trying to access it!) I also tracerted www.google.com and www.yahoo.com and they were reachable (even it though it took a bit of time and there were a couple of steps that timed out.)


 Tracert login.agni.lindenlab.com


1  Destination host unreachable


got to yahoo in 16 steps (steps 5,6,7 timed out) and google in 12 steps (step 6 and 11 timed out)


whats going on here?



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Yeah, you need to connect to login.agni.lindenlab.com with a viewer, not your web browser.

I don't know a great deal about this sort of thing, but a bit of research on Google suggests that running tracert from Safe Mode With Networking might throw some light on the subject: http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f31/destination-host-unreachable-449355.html  -- it certainly sounds as if something on your machine is blocking it.

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Thanks, it could be my ISP Cablevision blocking it for some reason too, although I have no clue why; this is the first time I've ever tried to use Second Life.  I know CV has had DNS issues in the past, when they were blocking Google and people were calling them up to complain and they said it was a technical issue.

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Could be your ISP, I suppose, but wouldn't tracert get a bit further before stopping if it were?  I dunno.

I'd certainly suggest running tracert in safe mode with networking, on the argument that if that works, it has to be something on your PC stopping it.    Have you tried my suggestion of changing your DNS service?   My ISP (Virgin) not so long ago just stopped connecting to Pastbin, for reasons they couldn't understand, and switching to Google's DNS solved it immediately.

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Thanks Im going to try the Google DNS thing.....are there any side effects of this?  Is my internet speed going to be any slower? (I have Boost Plus which is 50mbps) and are there any kind of timeouts or connection issues with using Google DNS? On the link they said to save all your previous settings, etc.

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Shouldn't slow you down at all.  All it's doing is telling your PC to ask Google, rather than your ISP,  to resolve login.agni.lindenlab.com into an IP address.   I think the advice about saving your previous settings is more in case you mess it up than in case it doesn't work.

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I just did the switchover and tested the changes to make sure the Google DNS thing went through and it did, but I still cant connect to Second Life




However I will now try Open DNS, because of privacy concerns over Google and the fact that Open DNS is rated to be faster and offers phishing protection for free (paid protection from suspicious websites.) 



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Have you tried tracert in Safe Mode with Networking?   See if that can find login.agni.lindenlab.com (and also some other site that should be easy to find, like Google or the BBC).   

If you can find login.agni.lindenlab.com in Safe Mode, then we know it's a service on your PC causing the issues.   Otherwise, if you can't, all I can suggest is that you contact your ISP.

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Thanks, I will do the Safe Mode with Networking option, I also use that when I am doing a clean uninstall of a firewall program so it should be easier to tell by then what's going on.  Google and Yahoo work fine in regular mode using Tracert although there are a few timeouts on intermediate steps making it take a bit longer than it should to do the trace (in 12 to 16 steps.)  As you can see that lindenlabs login fails immediately, right at step one, so it must be blocked by something and I have no clue what that might be.  It cant be the firewall because I dont have that running right now. 

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When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

I am guessing you are connecting via a home connection. So, the problem is likely your ISP or AV. It sounds like you have done all the usual tests. But, read through Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection to be sure.

Since you have changed DNS servers that problem is eliminated, it is mostly on Mac's anyways.

Use the URL login.agni.lindenlab.com with NSLOOKUP. I suggest you open a commend window and type: login.agni.lindenlab.com. It will report back which DNS servers you are using, which just confirms your change.

Next type in login.agni.lindenlab.com. This should return an IP address or addresses. If that fails, the problem is in DNS. Since you have changed DNS, that is unlikely. But, eliminate it.

Next, we would normally use TELNET to connect to: login.agni.lindenlab.com. But this is an SSL/HTTPS connection. So, browsers and telnet aren't going to work... at least not as expected. You can try to install and use openssl, a telnet like program for SSL connections. But, you can get away with using:

telnet login.agni.lindenlab.com 443

The command screen should just clear if you can connect. Since the SSL stuff is not encrypting and dycrypting the server can't understand your keystrokes. Normally a couple of Enter/Return presses would get some type of prompt. That won't happen. So, as long as you don't get a fail to connect error the connection is happening. Close the command window.

I expect the telnet attampt to fail. If it does, something is blocking 443. This could be your firewall or antivirus.

If you can do online banking and connect to other HTTPS sites, then this is a local problem with your AV or firewall likely being the problem. If you can't connect to banks and HTTPS sites, then it is either your modem or ISP that is blocking.

You then likely need to white list the SL Viewer with your Av & Firewall. Be sure it did not get black listed somewhere along the line.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your help! I can and do banking and use paypal on here with no problems.


I just did NSLOOKUPand I will tell you exactly what I got.


 Server: resolver1.opendns.com


Non-authoritative answer:

Name:  vip.login.agni.lindenlab.com


Aliases: login.agni.lindenlab.com






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I just did this


telnet login.agni.lindenlab.com 443


and the screen did completely clear.  I waited for a couple of minutes and then pressed enter a half dozen times (at first I saw  short horizontal prompt lines across my screen) and then the command prompt came back so I just typed exit and left MSDOS mode. 


Does this mean it connected to the site?  I still get that same error right on the first step when running TRACERT 

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tracert login.agni.lindenlab.com worked with safe more with networking in 13 steps (step 7 timed out) max delay was 88ms in step 6.  I think its Avast AV and not my Comodo Internet Security, as I shut that off and it still wouldnt work lol.  So now Im going to shut off some options in the AV and see what happens.

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