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New marketplace system

Custard Carter

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Hi, I have a question about the new marketplace system. I have managed to do it but i made a mistake & accidently put 2 items in 1 folder... Is it possible for me to delete just 1 of those items without anything else in that folder changing? I really don't want to have to delete that folder and do it all again if i can help it ;p

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As far as I know, you can't.  Like you, I'm still getting used to Direct Delivery, but my mental picture of the folder is that it is acting like a box --- the same way that things used to behave if you put them in a box yoursekf and loaded them in to your Magic Box.   Once the folder is uploaded, you can't get into it.  You can only replace it with an updated folder.  That's pretty easy, though. It took me a while to find this information the first time I had to update a listing, because it's buried about three clicks into the Knowledge Base ........

If you want to sell a different or updated version of an item using a current listing:

  1. In the upper-right, choose My Marketplace > Merchant home.
  2. On the left, click Manage inventory.
  3. Find the item you want to update, and choose Actions > Edit at the far right. 
  4. Click Search without entering anything in the text box. A list of inventory items appears. These are the inventory items not associated with any listing information.
  5. Click the name of the new item. Next to SL object name, the name of the new item now appears.
    Edit associated object.png
  6. Click the Update button at the bottom to save your changes.

So, dump the correct items into your Merchant Outbox and upload it to Marketplace as a new folder, and then follow those directions to update your page.

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