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Modifying/viewing the permissions of an object you've added to the Merchant Outbox?


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I've been searching on the forums, the updated blog posts and the knowledge base, but was unable to find an answer to this question: 

Once we upload an item to the marketplace through the Merchant Outbox with the new Direct Delivery options, how can we modify the permissions on the object in the event that we uploaded it with the wrong permissions? Is there anywhere we can check the permissions that we uploaded if we fear of a mistake? 

It is entirely possible that I'm not understanding some nuance to the new system, but I would greatly appreciately any assistance that anyone can provide with helping me understand how this can be done. 

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Drake is right. This bugs me as well. Before we could simply change the perms in-world and just add it again to the magic box, but unfortunatley now with DD you have to do it over again and then sync the new item (edit associated object) with the listing. It would be great to have a way to mod the perms while the item is already in DD.

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Thanks to both of you, and I agree, that does stink. If you can't remember what the permissions were, you'd have to purchase the item from yourself to test it (if that is even possible) or just remove them all and redo them...

... fabulous... 

Thanks again. 

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KeriMay wrote:

Thanks to both of you, and I agree, that does stink. If you can't remember what the permissions were, you'd have to purchase the item from yourself to test it (if that is even possible) or just remove them all and redo them...

You can ask it to send you a test delivery (in your manage inventory page, click 'Actions' by the item to bring up the menu and select 'Test Delivery'). The item will appear in your received items as though you were a customer.

You can also see the permissions of the items on the product's marketplace listing. Open the marketplace page for your product (the one people will buy from). Select the 'Contents' tab (which is between 'Features' and Reviews'). The items in the DD folder will be listed with their permissions. This doesn't help much if you box stuff and want to see inside a box, but it saves a test delivery if you have the stuff unpacked in the folder.

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I agree with everything Polenth says in the post above.

Just one word of caution - please set permissions on objects while they are rezzed inworld and not in inventory or while you are wearing them. Permissions have a nasty habit of not "sticking" if you do it from inventory or the edit window or bulk edit. The object's gotta be rezzed for permissions to adhere properly.

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Alternately, you can change permissions in inventory, then rez the item and this will cause the permission bit to update/set.  The advantage of this is not having to delete the inventory item and take in the rezzed item to replace it.  

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That sounds interesting, Kenbro. But even if I were to set the perms in inventory and then rez an item so they "stick" (which is different from anything I've ever learned), there's still the first one in inventory and the one that's rezzed. The rezzed one has to be picked up and the one in inventory deleted.

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lol, I learn something new everyday. Thank you.

edited: I just tested inworld. Rezzed a box, set it to full perm. Took it into inventory. Set the perms in inventory to no transfer/no mod.

In debug permissions the "*" shows which means the permissions aren't properly set yet. So, I rez the box in world again. The one in inventory didn't change. I take the box back into inventory and now the perms are correct and no "*" appears. So now I have 2 boxes, one with correct perms and one with the "*" (which is called slam bit, right?).

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Yes, slam bit http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Permissions

I agree with you that you need to delete the object in inventory and take the rezzed one with the changed permissions.

Although inventory is just pointers to the asset database when you rez a new item it is given a new UUID and becomes a new object, NOT just a copy of the old one's link.  You would not expect to be able to resize and recolour the one in-world and automatically see that reflected in the one still in inventory (and any further copies you rezzed from that too).

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Yes, slam bit

I agree with you that you need to delete the object in inventory and take the rezzed one with the changed permissions.

Although inventory is just pointers to the asset database when you rez a new item it is given a new UUID and becomes a new object, NOT just a copy of the old one's link.  You would not expect to be able to resize and recolour the one in-world and automatically see that reflected in the one still in inventory (and any further copies you rezzed from that too).

WOW Peter,

After all these years in SL I did not know about this SLAM bit and the anomally of permissions changed to next owner directly from Inventory fall out of sync and are not applied until rezzed.   That is a scary thing to learn now.

I cant begin to imagine how many times in my SL life and while building and setting up packs that I might have changed massive item permissions directly within my inventory.

I am assuming with DD - this anomaly might be a bigger issue than from items that are delivered from a MB ?


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Ouch, yes, slam-bit has caused a lot of confusion for people, especially merchants since they're dealing with things for other people so much.

Permissions set in inventory are not 'activated' until the object is rezzed in-world.  Getting it wrong can mean giving your stuff away free.  Always rez items to check permissions, including unpacking contents of contents ( ... of contents, etc.) to make absolutely sure the permissions are set in-world.  Always use an alt to ensure that what your customer will get is what you intended.

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