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Internet disconnects as soon as i log in. Not just my SL or computer..my whole internet.


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Okay, so when ever i go to log in on SL the moment i log in my modem disconnects. Everything. It can't be my internet as i can play just about everything on my PC and it's built for gaming. I've only had this issue with SL. I have tried using a line... i thought it might have been bottlenecking but i was unsure how to fix that and have tried..though could use more help.

This only happens when i try to log into my MAIN account. I can create other accounts and they log in and play with no problem. Maybe the issue is that my account has too much stuff? I'm not entirely sure, as i have only had it for 1 month and only been able to play it for afew hours. I would really like to keep my MAIN account but i'm guessing the account is the issue and not my PC.

Please for the love of god don't give me a stupid answer like "Oh your modem is heating, place a book under it".... Really? It's going to heat just because i clicked log in... *facepalm* Sorry but that's all i'm reading on these forums...and honestly it's stupid. I'm asking for tech advice...not crazy housewives guessing for the sake of guessing. Not saying all housewives are crazy...my mother was brilliant<3 and i'm sure alot of you are. But as you can see this issue has made me very annoyed.=(

Just hoping when i ask for Technical advice i get Technical answers and not common "trolling". Hopefully someone can answer this as i have seen hundreds of these posts without having been fixed.

Thank you for taking the time to read my rant...If you can help or have any ideas, i'd be extremly happy.

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A crazy housewife suggests you check your Internet connection. FIRST dont use wireless. Then unplug completely your modem and PC from the power. Restart everything. PLUS, you didn't say anything about your specs. Helpers here can be good but they are no psychics. Posting more details would certainly increase your chances to get an answer. You can edit your post and add details: Options at the upper right corner of your question, Edit to add text.

Best regards.

Bree, Susan, Gaby, and all the desperate housewives team. :P

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That sounds really strange.

At what state in the log-in process does your modem disconnect?  How far does the progress bar go before this happens?

Have you tried logging your main in at different locations, to see if that makes any difference?    I doubt it's your having too much stuff, and certainly not if you've only had the account a few months.   I'm wondering if there's something about the place you're rezzing that's causing some sort of data spike that your modem doesn't like -- I've heard of that happening, but it's rather unusual.

Have you asked your ISP if they have any idea what's happening?


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I might be too nice Peter but I think I recognized myself as a "crazy housewife". :P @ the OP, clearing the cache outside SL for your avatar having issues sounds like a good start.

Plus, Gaby is really the hottest housewife I've ever seen in the TV series!:D

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I can see you are really fed up but it most likely IS your internet connection. I had the exact same problem myself. It started just after I moved home last year.

The disconnection seemed to ONLY happen when I was logged into SL. I could play any number of other games, browse as many web pages as I liked, but the only time I lost my connection was when I logged into SL, it almost drove me and my friends nuts! Over the last 9 months I had tried every viewer I could lay my hands on, spoke to every helper/dev/tech geek I could find. I changed ALL my cables connected to my PC, cleaned the inside of my PC tower, had my internet card/video card all checked. Unstalled and reinstalled drivers. Checked for virus's, spyware etc. Called up my ISP and moaned, cried, whined and even shouted once.

Eventually my ISP sent out an engineer to check my line and it WAS faulty. Showing noise on the line that wasn't picked up when the ISP checked from their end. They changed some equipment and in 20 minutes I was able to connect to SL with no problems at all. I don't have a particularly fast speed on my line but since that day I haven't crashed or lost connection one single time.

I know its not the answer you want, but its mostly likely IS your internet connection.....

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