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How do you deal with Second Life?


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

This is more than one incident, Lillie dear. Your pal DeeQ regularly calls people "scum", among other things, on the feeds. YOUR feed, to be exact.


I've seen my friends called worse things than that on the Feed, and I have called people worse things than that on the Feed myself. I'm not proud of that or anything, but the Feed has some pretty rough language.

I do believe a person is entitled to think another person is 'scum' and say so right out loud, though, just as anyone who reads/hears it is entitled to consider the speaker a bad person for doing so.


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It's not so simple Griffin.... they show up in trending, so I see my name thrown about there frequently.  Should I stop looking at trending?  I have also had people IM me about stuff they've seen.  It goes beyond the feed as well.  As I said, if you'd like to hear my side, I'd be happy to chat with you. 

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Lillie Woodells wrote:

On the subjec of bullies.  Wednesday I had a meeting at my child's school.  I had to meet with officials there to discuss the issues he faces with bullying.  He is autistic, and a constant target.  The principal told me that I needed to face the facts that my son will be bullied his entire life.  This may be the case, but it does not mean that I have to lay down and take it, nor does it mean that I have to accept the bullies as decent human beings.  The reason we have adult bullies and child bullies alike is because they are not called into account for their actions. 

People say things in the heat of a moment, when provoked, or when their real life character is called into question.  People may push the boundries in testing someone else's own hypocrocisy.. which was the case Dresden brought up.   OThers, find sheer delight in taunting people until they reach that breaking point just to see how far they can take it. 

I completely understand reaching the breaking point, but what a person does once they get there is their own choice.  If a person chooses to, not only stoop to the person which has pushed them to that point's level, but lower themselves down that much farther into the mud, that shows a lot about that person's character to begin with.

You have as much of a right to stick up for that person, and not this one particular action, as I have to stick up for someone I'm friends with, without condoning their bad behavior (which I have never done, yet have been accused of doing by you, amongst other misinformed individuals).

I've only ever wanted to not be put in the middle of you and your adversary's drama, only to be bit in the ass because of it... more than once.  What you and your friends have been up to could be considered bullying as much as anything else.  When you start dictating what other's responses must be to you and doing your best to get them removed from SL, because of the way you feel about them, you start taking on the role of a bully yourself.  Doing so is your choice... on one else's.


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I've seen my friends called worse things than that on the Feed, and I have called people worse things than that on the Feed myself. I'm not proud of that or anything, but the Feed has some pretty rough language.

Yes , it does.


I do believe a person is entitled to think another person is 'scum' and say so right out loud, though, just as anyone who reads/hears it is entitled to consider the speaker a bad person for doing so.

So... What words are allowed (I guess "scum" is) and which aren't?

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Gypsy Quixote wrote:

Every single one of my friends here have been quick to take me to task for my bad behavior. What do the troll's friends say to them?

How you'd know what I've ever said to my friends, I will never know... you seem so intent on demonizing people that the facts mean nothing to you.


Gypsy Quixote wrote:

I been here awhile now folks. You got anything else on me besides blatantly attacking a well known troll, bully and griefer?

Bring it or STFU.

You are a well known bully and griefer... there's no way around that.


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Lillie Woodells wrote:

It's not so simple Griffin.... they show up in trending, so I see my name thrown about there frequently.  Should I stop looking at trending?  I have also had people IM me about stuff they've seen.  It goes beyond the feed as well.  As I said, if you'd like to hear my side, I'd be happy to chat with you. 

It's up to you whether to look at trending or not, just as it's up to you to look at their feeds or not. Personally, I always thought the whole feed thing was a stupid idea, and ripe for abuse.

These people that are IMing you... Are they doing it to stir the **** or what? Sure sounds like it.

Some day, Lillie, I would love to chat with you. Not necessarily about this.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

I've seen my friends called worse things than that on the Feed, and I have called people worse things than that on the Feed myself. I'm not proud of that or anything, but the Feed has some pretty rough language.

Yes , it does.


I do believe a person is entitled to think another person is 'scum' and say so right out loud, though, just as anyone who reads/hears it is entitled to consider the speaker a bad person for doing so.

So... What words are allowed (I guess "scum" is) and which aren't?

I don't see Dillon stating that any words are or not not allowed. And I also see her saying that anyone who reads/hears those words is entitled to judge the speaker accordingly. I agree.

What part of that thesis do you disagree with, Griffin?

As to what words are allowed in the feeds and forums, I think we've all rolled our eyes over the list of blocked words.

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As far as I can see, everything is 'allowed' on the Feed, but I don't think that's what you meant. I'm guessing you meant what words would be tolerated and what wouldn't, and only you or I can decide that for ourselves. I've used words that should probably not be tolerated. I usually wish I hadn't, but I never seem to learn the lesson well enough to prevent a recurrence.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I don't see Dillon stating that any words are or not not allowed. And I also see her saying that anyone who reads/hears those words is entitled to judge the speaker accordingly. I agree.

This is true... too bad Dillon takes it upon herself to claim to have knowledge of what was meant, even when she confronts you about it and you tell her she was wrong.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I don't see Dillon stating that any words are or not not allowed. And I also see her saying that anyone who reads/hears those words is entitled to judge the speaker accordingly. I agree.

I guess it goes to free speech, doesn't it? If someone should be allowed to say whatever they want about someone, it should go the other way, too, no? We can judge them all.

ETA: I'm going for a nap. Carry on.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I don't see Dillon stating that any words are or not not allowed. And I also see her saying that anyone who reads/hears those words is entitled to judge the speaker accordingly. I agree.

I guess it goes to free speech, doesn't it? If someone should be allowed to say whatever they want about someone, it should go the other way, too, no? We can judge them all.

Yep. It can be a frightful thing to watch, but in the end we often tar ourselves with our own brushes.

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You are right Griffin, it is my choice.  Just because I don't look at it, does not mean it does not affect me in some way.  It's kind of like I explained to the principal at my son's school.. Just because the teacher doesn't see it, doesn't mean it's ok.  I am not an unreasonable woman.  I've tried to talk to each of those individuals who have been involved.  I've been met with varying responses all negative. 

Contrary to the belief of some, I don't hate anyone, or expect anyone to hate others.  I hate bad behavior.  I deal with it every day.  I hate unprovoked attacks, which is what I've been faced with here. 

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