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Is the Market Place is closing down?


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I would like to open a Market Place shop for my creations but a friend of mine told me that the Market Place is closing down at the end of the year. Is this correct?

I hope it isnt as I love shopping there, its easy, I can nearly always find what I want without having to the try and find shops that sell what I want.

Please dont close it down if you are going to, its my lifeline on SL.

Rheaven Tussaud

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That's highly unlikely.  Despite its headaches with the recent introduction of Direct Delivery, Linden Lab can't afford to abandon one of the most lucrative arms of its business.  Besides, the outcry would be unimaginably fierce.  When you hear a rumor like this, the smartest thing to do is look at Linden Lab's own blogs ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Blogs/ct-p/Blogs ) to see if they have posted anything related.  If not, it's 99% certain to be bogus.

On a side note ....  I know that Marketplace offers convenience, but please don't ignore in-world shops. It's often much easier to walk around an item, get a feel for how big it is and what it looks like from the other side, try it on for size, or click a button and see how it works.  Personally, I would never buy a skin or a shape unless I could see it in world and try on a dozen demos in the shop, and wouldn't consider buying a building unless I could walk through it.  (Hehehe... and I have a few buildings for sale in Marketplace.  Go figure.).  Besides, shopping in world can be an adventure.  I always find interesting things in the shop next door.......

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