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In the Marketplace, I found two listings selling Library (LL IP) avatars. To whom do I report them?

Cicadetta Stillwater

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So I was browsing the Marketplace, and found these two avatars for sale by the same seller:


Both are pretty clearly Library avatars. I contacted the creator of the mesh wolf, and he said there was nothing he could do about it, as the avatar belongs to Linden Lab. I am assuming that both avatars (the other being the dragonlet by Flea Bussy) here are, therefore, Linden Lab's Intellectual Property. I am in no position to flag the listings or file a DMCA for LL. But I am concerned about people being scammed out of their Lindens for avatars they already have.

Is there anything that can be done?

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Aside from sending a friendly note to Brooke Linden, I don't think there is much you can do.  As you pointed out, you are not the potentially aggrieved person, so you cannot file a formal complaint.  If Brooke is not the correct person to send a note to, I assume that she will know what to do with it, and you will have done what you can.

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Three years ago I asked to Support about residents selling objects of the Library in the Marketplace (XStreet at that time): Torch, Parrot ... The answer was unequivocal: it is not forbidden. In fact, I don't know if LL has changed about this matter.

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