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why is my account in the negative

DrPanillaPink Spingflower

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1 answer to this question

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The easy ( and often correct ) answer is that you are a member of one or more groups that expect their members to share equal proportions of their liabilities (costs of advertizing in Search, for example) and assets (proceeds from land sales, maybe).  For most groups, that amounts to a few L$ every couple of weeks.  If you do not like having to pay your share, you can either leave the group or send the group owner a note and question the group's policy.  (BTW, that's the default for groups, so a group owner has to make a specific decision not to share costs and income.)

To be really sure where your L$ are going, of course, you just need to open your dashboard at secondlife.com and navigate to Account  >> Transaction History and see who you have been sending money to recently.

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