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What is the best computer for playing sl? I am looking at the new imac


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3 answers to this question

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I'm not a Mac person, so I'd ask one.  I'm not real happy that the iMac has "integrated graphics", though.  In general, that's not favorable.  Any late model computer with a fairly powerful discrete graphics card, preferably Nvidia or Radeon, should do the trick.

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Wondering if I'm too late to answer you  I bought an iMac and have had it a week and am taking it back.  I bought second tier of imac and am severly disappointed.  First.....hard to find one that plays the viewers well.  So far the only viewer i can find that i can make adjustments to that will show mesh is phoenix.  And that took an adjustment

I do photos in SL and the shadows are important.  Well kiss that goodbye with a mac.  Rumors have it Exodus viewer can do shadows with some major mods.  My experience is that I lasted less than 10 minutes before crashing.

Being that SL is my main use of my computer other than basic surfing and photoshop.....I'm severely disappointed in the mac.  Huge waste of money for me.  Another silly little thing I couldnt get to work?  Theres no page up and page down and I use that to tip my camera or to change positions in much of furniture.  I was told how to do it on a mac but it didnt work for mine.  Then I was given the "fix" in changing a right click.  Well I got the magic mouse I guess and I dont find that option for right.  IDK definitely a huge change in how to do absolutely everything on a computer and when SL is becoming a way for me to make RL money.....the hassle isn't worth it when the features I need are not there.  

Have phone appt with apple tomorrow and will return my mac this week and get the almost 2K back that I made a mistake with and go buy something that is better for what I'm doing. 

Severely disappointed and wish people had been more specific with me about the limitations of macs.  Now that I say things they say "oh yea you can't do this and you cant do that" when i ask.  Where was that information before?  Sigh.....huge mistake on my part.

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