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Blender Question

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A Blender file is not a text file, so you can't "save as" one. When you export your scene it's no longer a Blender file, or it wouldn't be exporting. So to answer your question, no.

You can however export as DAE or FBX. Those are textfiles. You can import them back into Blender, or another program.

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Well damn..


OK - so.. I was able to export as a dae, then opened in Notepad and saved as a text. Why you may ask am I going thru all this? I am trying to align some vertices vertically and am having a hell of a time in Blender- so figured since that easy peacey Rokuro can do that i wd take a text file in there and use it to vertically align. However- the Rokuro gave me an error message when I tried to import the text saying, "List index out-of-bounds (1114). Not sure if that refers to a particular line or if anything beyond 1114 is too far gone or what...

So..  then- oh great gurus, is there a way to align vertices in Blender that won't make me tear my hair out? Thanks again!

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Not that you need the information now, but for future reference ....... You have a third option on Blender.  If you type S and then hold down the Shift key while you type the letter of an axis (so, for example, Shift +Z), Blender will resize on the other two axes but not the one you named.  So, typing S and then Shift+Z lets you resize on the X-Y plane only.

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