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Anatomically correct male skins


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Don't know that I've ever seen a skin quite like that. IMO, a painted-on one is just going to look... weird.

ETA: I've seen them painted on things like underwear, but that implies some sort of... support... or partial concealment. They do "hang" from the body. Mine does, anyway... Dunno about yours. :smileyvery-happy:

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Can't say that I have ever seen one. I'll have to agree with another response here, that male bits painted on the skin would look very strange, and not at all be what I would want to see when I look at a guy down there. If I ever saw one like that, I think my first reaction would be to laugh, and say, "Wow! Your last girlfriend must really kick hard! She squashed it flat!"

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LOL at the replies. 

I have been wondering how mesh makers will approach this problem. Will males be more anatomically 'correct' in future, and what about all of the male, um, phases? How will mesh makers deal with that? 

I don't see there being two separate parts to male avatars in future. 

But for now, sorry, the above replies apply.

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  • 1 month later...

I would assume that it could be done with a shape and skin. Female shapes have breasts that are correct, looking at a side view.

But then you would have the problem with clothing. All clothes, except skirts, are painted onto the skin. So a male shape would look correct naked, but rather funny with pants on. You would have to wear a kilt!

Thinking about this makes be ROTFLMAO. I am glad that I am female (SL and RL) and don't have to deal with this (SL and RL)!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have seen one skin with it painted on in SL and yes it looked weird and then you were stuck with it, even if you wanted to have one attached after that the flat painted on one would still be there ( and it looked more like a tounge than what it was supposed to be, and don't get nasty with that).

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