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Sad downward lip trend :-(

Coby Foden

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I have hated this trend since I noticed the skins and shapes on MP earlier this year.  The teeth are what get me...reminds me of some dysfunctional chipmunk with an orthodonics issue, as well as an eating disorder that packs fat on there posterior and thighs for the winter hibernation. 

I wish I could say I hadn't seen these type avs waking around but I have. I have seen a number of this less than stellar looking AVs in some adults sims.  Oftentimes they are very short as well, my AV is 5'6" in SL and I tower over them, with an uber "talk to me and I will kill you" attitude. 

Can't be soon enough these go away.

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Coby Foden wrote:

What the heck is this trend with the downward lips? This makes me cry. :smileysurprised: :smileytongue:



Sometimes one sees silly exaggarated permanent smiles (on a newbie perhaps).


Now it has turned the opposite.


What next? This perhaps?



Or what? lol

Yes, I foresee the "Marty Feldman" being the next popular fad.

The model looks like a fish to me. Her eyes are way too far apart. They are worse than the mouth. The mouth just makes her look like she ate a bucket of Sour Patch Kids or needs some SSRIs.

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I imagined, and I know generalizing is bad, that this trend just were amongst the younger crowd in SL to make sure they're easy to spot by their peers. But I see I was probably wrong as it does seem bigger then that :catvery-happy:

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Nice rack though.. Not sure why you would use a sad looking model. I don't want to buy anything that would make me feel sad. Smiling is so much better. "Look at me! I'm so happy i am wearing/sitting/driving/whatever this product!"

as opposed to the MHEH look she is pulling off.

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I find openly using other people's photos and bashing them pathetic. To the OP and anyone thinking this look sucks, does it make your internet ego much bigger to vent how much better your look is compared to hers? "Oooh I look sooooo much better than this ugly girl with the sad lips and fish eyes". For your information that photo is a friend of mine, and I'm willing to bet all my L's that she looks tons better than most of you.

I have one thing to say to you: if you don't like the look, no one cares, and no one cares if you don't buy stuff where the ads feature sad lips. That's the most pathetic threat I've ever seen, lol I'm sure creators are gonna go backrupt because a few people stop buying their stuff due to being allergic to downward lips.

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Suki Hirano wrote:

I find openly using other people's photos and bashing them pathetic. To the OP and anyone thinking this look sucks, does it make your internet ego much bigger to vent how much better your look is compared to hers? "Oooh I look sooooo much better than this ugly girl with the sad lips and fish eyes". For your information that photo is a friend of mine...

Relax, don't take this too seriously.  This has nothing to do with "boosting our internet egos" by comparing our looks with somebody else's.  To boost an ego with pixels what anybody can have, eh?  This thread is just opinions about certain looks.  This is not the end of the world, we are talking about pixel world looks anyway.



Sorry if your friend has been feeling bad about this.

Your friend could view the opinions here as a review, not bashing.  :heart:

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Its not bashing. We just say what we see and that we don't like what we see. If someone choses to look like somekind of alienfish she should better learn to deal with peoples opinions on that look. For your bet.....I think most people here have a finde taste when it comes to human avatars, and sorry you can throw human avatars in a competiton with aliens.

Well and after all...I already didn't buy stuff from creators using skinny fishmodels, cause the products where mostly not my style either.

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I beg to differ that merchants don't care about lost sales. Read the merchant section of the forum...merchants are hurting. I came on here today not to bash, but just wishing...REALLY WISHING...that I could get a message to merchants. I went clothes shopping on Marketplace today, and most of the models in the section I was browsing had the really absurd, exaggerated wide hips and short legs - the most extreme I've seen. Yeah, I have lots of opinions about the look, which I won't give here, but the point I want to make is that I will NOT buy any of those clothes because I have no idea what they might look like on a normal body shape. How can I know if they will even FIT? It sure looks like there would be problems with fit as they were designed for a super-wide, short-legged body. I know that commercialism is all about trends, but I don't even know anyone on SL who looks like this! Merchants who insist on filling their entire stores with pictures of ONLY these types of models are turning their backs on the majority of potential customers.

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There is no name attached to the picture so no one is bashing a specific person, the negative opinions are about the overall look. Its not the lips that turn so many of us off when these avatar types are used as models.  The fish face look is almost always accompanied by a out of proportion, deformed body with huge hips and super skinny short legs with a huge gap between them.

The reason I won't buy clothes modeled by these freaks of nature is that I can't relate them to how they will look on my avatar.  This isn't a threat, its a fact.  If the model just had a fish face but a normal proportioned body, then i would'nt care.  But the picture i see that the OP posted didn't look like a normal proportioned body to me, at least what i can see. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  If you think your friend looks great and she is happy looking that way, more power to you both.  Personally I could care less what you or any one else thinks of my avatar because I made my avatar look the way it does for myself and no one else.  Hopefully your friend feels the same way about hers.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'd vastly prefer the rolling eyes, Coby. Maybe this is the estrogenic equivalent of macho?

I love that explanation. :)

I find myself unable to even begin a conversation with someone who has an AV with this look. Not the least because every time I see one she's up to making a scene of herself and spamming chat with foul words, slackness, and leet-speak. I also just can't stand seeing the things within my camera view... Its like it has 'Pussycat-Be-Gone' spray on it...


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Personally I find it funny that many people have comment on these ridiculous, silly looking avatars. Yet a lot follow the trend up to a point we can't ignore it any longer: like designers and ' important' bloggers. It's like an invasion now, a bad virus.If a blogger asks me to blog my stuff and they look like this then I will refuse. This look became more saddened, more grumpier in the last couple of months. What's next? A deformed avatar with their face up the ass? 


This was not only to Colby, but I wanted to reply to this post in general, couldnt find the button hehe (not used of posting in a forum). 

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Oceane Grumiaux wrote:

Personally I find it funny that many people have comment on these ridiculous, silly looking avatars. Yet a lot follow the trend up to a point we can't ignore it any longer: like designers and ' important' bloggers. It's like an invasion now, a bad virus.If a blogger asks me to blog my stuff and they look like this then I will refuse. This look became more saddened, more grumpier in the last couple of months
. What's next? A deformed avatar with their face up the ass? 


This was not only to Colby, but I wanted to reply to this post in general, couldnt find the button hehe (not used of posting in a forum). 

          /me has to clean coffee off the computer screen.


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I think that people should be able to make their avi look the way they want without someone passing judgement and being unkind.    You should all be ashamed of yourselves!    What happened to "your world, your imagination"  or should everyone come here first to make sure it's up to your standards?      

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FairuzaB wrote:

I think that people should be able to make their avi look the way they want without someone passing judgement and being unkind. 

You are right.

The standard avatar shape and skin worn by 90% of all people isn't too pretty,

so it is very positive that some try all new ones

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But again, that's passing judgement. It's "not too pretty" to you, but the person who uses that shape/skin probably thinks they look quite attractive. My own avatar is gorgeous to some, and horribly unattractive to others. I happen to like her. Occasionally I "outgrow" her and edit her. Then I outgrow that. But it's up to no one but me to decide that.

Personally, I've seen plenty of "trends" in SL avi's that I dislike, but that's a matter of personal taste. If I don't like the avi, I don't buy the shape or skin the person is using, and that's that. I can't say the image the OP posted is a look I'm particularly fond of, but someone out there clearly is - and as someone else mentioned, "your world, your imagination!"

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Well of course it's just an opinion and I feel I am entitled to have one like anyone else. I encourage creativity in every way and thus I also encourage crazy silly funny fantastic shapes, the more the better. Please bring 'm on. I myself switch from curvy and short to tall and slim all the time for fun. However, when I see the same shapes over and over and over again then I think there is a lack of creativity there, its just following a so called ' cute'  trend. Not only the ponybishfacewhatever they are called, but it would be the same with every shape actually. I would say: try a huge nose, or do something else with the mouth or the butt, because for me it's a message: look how f**** misreable my sad life is. And sure if you want to express that, your decision, all good, doesn't mean I have to like it. So for me personally, no, but if you are wild about it, it's your Second LIfe, and you can do whatever you want with that. That' s the beauty of SL :)


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They are able to make whatever shape they want, but I and all others also have the option to laugh at it.  When you want a mouth like a fish and legs like a ponyriding spider, expect people to stare and wonder where that comes from.

I also guess this trend suffers from many followers who have a bad behavior inworld or use rude words to strangers just because they are reading their profile.

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