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The problem with land

andela Balan

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Hi I need to solve the problem with the land and do not know who to turn to when a personfrom Linden is offline. I need to deal now with someone who is online. thank you

Hi, Please help. You've blocked the site for which I paid a lot .... thousands of L $.Preminum membership I established and marked its profile plot size 40 U.S. per month.Waiting when you take money from the account, I had contracted out a credit card. I have a club on his land, and tonight I'm playing. I need to have their land with an area of ​​8192 m2. A small plot 4096 m2 I vacated. So why did you seize me and my big site. AndelaBalan. I am desperate. You wrote Eleon Akira, it's my sister, but everything is transferredto me. The nurse wrote that you hear me Andela Balan. Justification of Finance leavingless land area of ​​4096 m2 and a large area of 8192 m2 to leave. Sister Dee Lindenasked for advice on how to leave a small plot, which was also assigned to the groupHeaven1 *** ***. She wrote to her the angel answered and the answer Balan I came.Thank you for your help. Andela Balan

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Well, we might be able to offer some help or advice if you had told us what the "problem with the land" is.  Sadly, however, you didn't.  If you'd like to add that information now, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.

BTW, Lindens never come here.  This is a Resident-to-Resident forum.

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