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How can I earn lindens quickly as a very new player?


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I just joined SL today and I still find it very confusing to navigate, as the game is very slow for me and takes a long time to load, I have been able to get a fishing rod and the tracker by someone helping me but how else can I earn lindens quickly I have been fishing for around an hour and have gotten around 3 lindens


thank you for your help!

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4 answers to this question

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The same ways you would earn money in real-life.

In fact, the best way IS to earn money in real-life.

But you just joined today.  Why do you want to spend all your time trying to earn money?  Explore the world, have a look around.  Meet people.  Find something you want to do here before you start chasing and spending money for no particular reason.

There's a huge amount of good stuff available free in SL.  Teleport to Kuula sim and ask NCI folk about freebies and finding our more about SL.

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Don't bother with trying to earn money for now.  There are more important things to do, like learning how to get around.  Besides, there are so many free things in SL that you don't really need much money anyway.   As others have said, most of us bring money in world from RL.  Save your lunch money today, and bring it in world next time.  You'll be amazed at what you can buy for the price of a burger and fries.

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