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Do you want to run SLin it's entirety on a tablet or phone? I found a way!


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Everyone says that the closest thing to SL you can get to SL on a tablet or phone is the Portable Grid. Well I looked into it, and that is balony. 


All you have to do is remotely access your PC VIA the internet.


Over all, I spent about $8.


I found this websites product very simple and well explained compared to the other one I tried... Be aware you need to get the app for your tablet for your phone or tablet as well as get the software from this site for your computer.




I hope this was helpful... I searched the forums for a way and found nothing.

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The answer is, to "run SL in it's entirety on a tablet or phone" you need to run SL and some remote-control software on your PC.

NB: Broadband costs will be normal SL download operatons to PC + graphics and sound upload from PC + graphics and sound download to tablet/phone.

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Of course it is. And it's really a very elegant alternative to limiting text only viewers that DO run natively on the tablet. I've been a splashtop user for over a year and I have to say I'm a big fan. That's not to say it doesn't have some drawbacks, but it's the best currently available solution for getting the full SL experience on a tablet.



Cheap, one time cost

Full SL graphic experience

Back end is free and can be installed on as many computers as you like

Performance is astounding compared to other remote desktop apps such as VNC or Logmein



High bandwidth usage

Back end PC must be on or remotely bootable

Performance is good but still not as smooth as being at the PC

SL controls are not optimized for a tablet


Overall, it works pretty good, it's cheap, and it's the best available alternative for mobile SL that's available today (in my opinion).

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