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Limiting access to a region (RegAPI)


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I am currently trying to use the RegAPI to accept new SL sign ups that will be locked to an estate that I own.

I have recently got the basics of the RegAPI working, the ability to fill out a form on my own web site that then creates a Second Life account for that new user.

When using the RegAPI and using the option 'limited_to_estate' the field needs to be a number, the estate ID. I have found my estates ID by viewing the God Tools window in the SL Viewer, but when I use this number, adding it using a hidden field in the web form, I get the error 'Limited estate cannot be set to an estate does not exist'.

Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

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I applied for the capabilities and was accepted.

I first tired the form without limiting to an estate and that worked fine, so the capabilities are working and letting me sign people up, its just that it is not recognising my Estate ID when I try to limit to estate.

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