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Mesh Skin weights are greyed out and I don't know why.

Yori Aska

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Program used to make Model and rig: 3D Max 2011

Help! I make two meshes just fine but when I tried to upload the 3rd model, the skin weights can not be checked. Is there a limit on how much vertices and traungle an avatar can have?


Also, If I group anything in 3d max and try to export it, this warning pops up.

While reading or writing a file the following notifications have been raised.
    -Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node Group001 will lose its geometric information. The node transforms will be saved.


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3 answers to this question

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The rigging information in the dae file has to include all 21 bones of the avatar skeleton, even if not all of them are used by the model.

Also, if you have uploaded the model previously, try to delete the slm file that was stored with the dae file on that upload.

- Luc -

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