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Looking for scripter

jamie Akina

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Here is one way to do that:

float ResetTime = 5.0;vector StartPos;rotation StartRot;default {    touch_end(integer total_number) {        StartPos = llGetPos();        StartRot = llGetRot();        state falling;    }}state falling {    state_entry() {        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);        llSetTimerEvent(ResetTime);    }    timer() {        llSetTimerEvent(.0);        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION, StartPos, PRIM_ROTATION, StartRot, PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE]);        state default;    }}



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hi there

thanks for that , it works .....haha... there is a but ....it does not reset to the origional position

other that that its perfect....if you ever need a hand with a build of any kind ...i'm a pretty goood beginner




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This one does not have the 10m limit.


float ResetTime = 5.0;vector StartPos;rotation StartRot;default {    state_entry() {        if (StartPos) {            llSetRegionPos(StartPos);            llSetRot(StartRot);        }    }    touch_end(integer total_number) {        StartPos = llGetPos();        StartRot = llGetRot();        state falling;    }}state falling {    state_entry() {        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);        llSetTimerEvent(ResetTime);    }    timer() {        llSetTimerEvent(.0);        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE);        state default;    }}



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