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My avatar's skin and clothing are invisible

Zio Starostin

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I have tried everything, this is driving me crazy!!

To skip the obvious solutions I have done the following to try to fix this:

I have deleted the cache, both inside and out several times.

I have updated my graphics drivers

I log in with a different account and it works

I uninstalled and reinstalled second life, and tried with a new viewer

I have also tried the renderavatar ect.. in debug. 

Nothing will work -.-


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3 answers to this question

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You've tried most of the things that "should" help. Have you tried changing the "baldie" that you wear (the layer under your hair), or, changing your group tag? I know it sounds strange, but that can help to resend the signal to the servers and allow your skin and clothing layers to appear.

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Have you checked to see if you are wearing an alpha layer?

Take Off/Clothing/More/More/Alpha.

Also, there is an option that does make your av (all but attachments) invisible.  In Phoenix, it used to be in the Phoenix tab of preferences I think...but you may find it in debug settings too.


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This actually sounds simular to what happens to me. I get a white or pink mist. I have also tried several different things including logging on another avatar that comes out fine. At first, I switched to firestorm and it seemed fine, but its doing it again. Hope you get a fix for this...its very frustrating :(

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