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What Happened To First Name Last Name?


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2 answers to this question

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A lot of us would love to see the Display Names go away and last names return.

For a while there, a few months ago, it looked as if LL was going to do it.  But in the end they said, "Nahhhh."

Sigh.  I don't know ANYONE who asked for Direct Delivery.  I know a LOT of people who asked for last names back.  Go figure.

Your best bet under the current system is to choose a first and a last name you like.  Probably NOT your real name, unless you enjoy hanging your identity right out there in front of everyone.  Run the two together into a single user name, "LindalKidd".  Then if you want, create a Display Name to separate them, "Lindal Kidd".  In some viewers, you'll show up as Lindal Kidd (LindalKidd Resident), but that's about the best you can do.

Any lurkers who haven't created an account yet who happen to read this:  PLEASE choose a pronounceable, non-vulgar user name.  Your user name WILL be visible to anyone who chooses to see it, and you CAN'T change it once you've created it.  It's just about the only thing that will remain constant about your avatar until the day you cancel your account.

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