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Scaly Spot mall wants vendors!

Serith Haefnir

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Scaly/Furry club opening doors for vendors at:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lost%20Empire/156/170/25 .

Most who come to cvisit the club pass through the mall to get to the club, and I advertise new vendors to make sure they get attention. Keep in mind we re a scaly/furry club, so if youhave vendors gearedtoward that thenthat would be great, but even if not, we welcome all vendors within sim rules (no underaged stuff, no parcle spam, etc).

Avatar sellers and clothes sellers would likely do well in our mall, as would accessory vendors. The sim itself is largely mideival/toman themed, but it does not have to be midival or roman  to be in our mall.

Here is information on our prices:

-The large shops are in the large gray buildings near the teleporter to the club itself.

-For the large shops closest to the teleporter to the club, the price is 300 L per week for 100 prims.

-For the other two large shops the price is 225L per week for 75 prims

For the shops In the columned buildings, there are the medium and small shops. They are called that based n prim count, not physical size.

--For the medium shops, the price is 150L per week for :50 prims

-For a small shop, the price is 90L per week for 30 prims

We also have 4 open air stalls, they are 60L per week and offer 20 prims


IM Serith Haefnir for any questions. You must join a geoup to rz yor vendor. Please contact Serith haefnir for that as well.

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