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How do I stop getting double notices from one of my groups?

Kyli Topaz

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I'm using Firestorm 4.0 but this happens when I use Firestorm or SL3.0 so apparently it's not specifically a viewer issue (although I could be wrong).

Whenever one of the groups I'm in sends out a group notice, I receive the notice twice. It only happens with one group and just started doing this about a week ago. I have left the group and rejoined and it still does it.

Anyone know of this happening and if so, how to correct it?

Thank you

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having the same problem. I always receive the notices from group A and B twice. The notices from group C are coming in only one time.

I asked in the group chat. None of the online members had the same problem, the notices where not sent twice, nobody knew an answer to this issue.

I tested different viewers (SL Viewer, Phoenix, Firestorm) - all the same.

I can remember this happend to me before... a few years ago... but I can't remember how it was fixed.


As I'm no native speaker, its hard for me to get through this bug report/contact thing ... is there anybody who can help?

Thanks in advance,


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I don't have any better idea than I had when the OP asked last month. I might understand if chat messages were being repeated, but repeated group notices don't make any sense to me. I cannot find any JIRA reports from other people who have had this problem either. Perhaps you should start one yourself..... go to https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa and click the link in the extreme upper right corner that says "Create Issue." Then follow instructions. Supply as much information as you can so that the technicians know where to start looking for a solution.

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