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How to start a charity event

Aiden Merchi

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Hello, I am wanting to start a big charity event for the wounded warriors project in SL. i have no idea how to go around this, I was wanting it to be a bunch of creaters, creating special items just for the event. I didn't know if anyone else had anymore info on how to go about doing this? Wounded Warriros Project is a very very good charity, being a military wife in RL it's one that is very very close to my heart. So if anyone has any info at all please don't hestitate to give it! Thank you so much! I hope i can get everything set up!

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Good for you. The Wounded Warriors Project is a worthy one indeed.

Step One: Contact The Wounded Warriors Project  http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/  first! Call them at their local office but better yet email them at their Fund Raiser link page http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/contact-us/fundraiser-email.aspx and include a synopsis of your ideas and how you plan to execute them via the Second Life Community and your presence here in it. You will need their support and acknowledgement to continue. This is required in order to use their name, brand and any and all logos. You should also register with TWW Project as a Fund Raiser and get a copy of all their regulations and reporting requirements.

Step Two: You need to be an authorized fundraiser with means to prove your legitimacy to those you would collect Lindens from for conversion to dollars and donation to TWW Project. You also need to become/create a registered 501.c(3) Charitable Organization in order to do this legally.


Note: Don't be afraid of the IRS, this is easy to do and will keep you out of trouble income wise. Setting up a charity checking account is easy and you'll need this not only for you to keep the collected monies separate but also for the Bank account information for the Registered SecondLife Avatar Account authorized to accept payments/donations on behalf of the charity. [Your Legal Name of course will be on the bank account] - Be prepared to offer this tax status information on request or better yet, make it publicly available as a part of the process where you provide the Kiosks for businesses and associations to collect donations at on your charity's behalf.

Step Three: Once you have the endorsement and tax status, you need to find a legitimate scripter/builder to assist you with your collection Kiosks builds and TWW Project logo branded goodies to either sell or give away at donation time.  Look for the creator of the ACS - Relay for Life Kiosks as a reputable source of certified objects for the purposes of fund raising in SecondLife. The registration system these use allows us to make donations with 100% confidence that this is a qualified Donation Kiosk and charity.

Step Four: Get a proper parcel set up focusing on the charity with the approval and blessing of TWW Project board of Directors. Then go door to door / club to club with your goals in mind and start making a difference. [Note: Yes, a % of the donations received can go towards the upkeep of the Charity's in-world presence, but if I were you, I'd make my personal donation equal to or more than the cost of the tiers to maintain the parcel for the charity.]

Good Luck! 

 {Note: I do accounting and office support support for several Charitable Organizations in RL}


P.S. If you are thinking along the lines of hosting a single event, converting the lindens collected and then donating the proceeds to TWW Project, I still recommend all the above steps. Why? If you are going to go through this effort to do it right, why not do it continuously afterwards. IM me when you are all set up. I'll donate.



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24 minutes ago, Ezzie Alpha said:

Is there any info on creating or holding a rl charity event in sec Second Life


You should start by contacting the RL charity and asking what their requirements are for hosting an event.  Most charity events in SL are not run by LL and I'm not aware of any they specifically endorse.  People are wary of some events that don't have a RL non profit website to validate them.

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AFAIK, there are no specific rules concerning charitable events.which is why people are often wary of donating.  Groups like RFL and Wig for Kids are a couple of charities chosen by residents for their events.

You can always file a support ticket and ask.

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