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Seams in my photos?

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Hi there everyone,

I'm shooting in Firestorm, on a custom windlight on ultra, shadows enabled, all the fun perks except depth of field. Saving in PNG with a custom size of 3000x2254.

The finished product in photoshop seems to be broken up into tiles that are about 1280x1280, roughly- and there are VERY visible seams that don't line up correctly. They're only a pixel or two off, but the seams themselves have a very 'tile' like quality, they're a bit rough and about a pixel wide.

Is anyone familiar with this phenomenon? The photo functions allow you to shoot at twice that size and I like to shoot big for effects in post. I'll be bummed if I have to go down to a more standard size, but I'll deal. Unless there's a way to fix it.


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It seems to happen if you use Shadows and High Resolution combined with extreme windlight settings, such as very bright or colorful. I've noticed it happens less often with darker windlight settings and can also happen with bright windlight even with shadows disabled.

From what I have experienced, the lines will not happen if High Res snapshots are not enabled. However, I prefer to be able to use High Res snapshots. A good friend suggested that disabling antialiasing would work, and for him it does, but on my system I get too much jaggyness.

What I do, is take a shot, see if there are lines. If there are, I disable high res snapshots.  

There is also a video on how to remove the lines in post process if you so wish. Although not a solution, it may help with those times that you really love the shot and getting rid of the lines is an option.




There is also a Jira



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