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Sorting inventory with filters question

sunnygirl OHare

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I recently realized what those filters were and I'm impressed that they added them. I don't know when they did...but I remember when the suggestion for the filters came up. So yea! for that! :)


My question is, we can "Close all folders", but can we "Open all folders"? After I apply a few filters I'd like to be able to open the remaining folders so that I can delete things much faster. Instead I've got to open each one, omg it was tedious and I gave up after 10 minutes.

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sunnygirl OHare wrote:

I recently realized what those filters were and I'm impressed that they added them. I don't know when they did...but I remember when the suggestion for the filters came up. So yea! for that!


My question is, we can "Close all folders", but can we "Open all folders"? After I apply a few filters I'd like to be able to open the remaining folders so that I can delete things much faster. Instead I've got to open each one, omg it was tedious and I gave up after 10 minutes.

you know you can also make a new window and have two windows  open for your inventory also..you can drag and drop from one to the other as well

the filters they have pretty much had all the time ..well maybe not when sl was really young..but since i have been here which has been since 2006..

i remember i used to be able to make all my folders open..i'm just trying to remember how to do it..

close all folders  was also around for awhile in the menu even in the official viewer..

but it's nice having buttons for it  hehehe

there is an expand and colapse button in the firestorm viewer as well that will open all your folders..

i don't know if there is an expand or not in the official viewer..it would be in the menu i would think if there was ..

if you ask me..there can never be enough ways to making sorting and organize inventory easier hehehe


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