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Blender Plugins

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Im trying to find what plug ins I need for blender for sculpties,all I see is the primm star folks spamming all over saying buy primm star,I do not want to buy or pay for anything I can install them myself.....just need the links or the forum link to what one's I need



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ONE sculptmap cost 10 lindens. Often times, an object require you to use several sculpties.

How much a mesh object cost depends on how complex it is. Some can very little, but some cost more. Overall, I don't think you have to spend that much more when building mesh objects than sculptie objects. It's all dependent on how efficient you make the mesh.

- Luc -

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I haven't spent more than $30L on any mesh model I've uploaded so far (mostly attachments/clothing items). The average I've spent is about $23L, and the models are fairly detailed.

what about rendering cost? i'd suspect that mesh is a lot heavier on others viewers than sculpties?

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Azaiya Aeon wrote:


what about rendering cost? i'd suspect that mesh is a lot heavier on others viewers than sculpties?

You couldn't be more wrong, well in principle. It comes down to the builder in question. If you have a good or at least descent builder, rendering cost of mesh will be a fraction of a sculpt equivalent in almost all cases. If you do your best you can make some really terrible objects in mesh though, but you'd have to do that on purpose or just be a really terrible (or inexperienced) builder.

With sculpts you're bound by a given number of faces, most of which you don't need or even want. With mesh you have full control over that number, not to mention you have full control over the LoD models.

Sculpts are lag hell:)

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Sculpties are not obsolete, although mesh is more versatile and, as others have pointed out, more efficient.  If you really want to make sculpties, though, you don't need to pay anything for the Blender plug-in.  Use JASS-2, which includes Blender, Primstar, Python, and is all set for easy upload to SL.  The basic version is free and quite serviceable.  The Pro version is less than $10 US, as I recall.  See http://blog.machinimatrix.org/jass/ for more information.

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  • 1 year later...

1. You certainly can add a script to mesh items.  It's done all the time.  Whoever told you that was misinformed, or you misunderstood.

2. At this point, there's no point in putting your time and energy into making sculpties.  They are an evolutionary dead end in SL.  Instead of using Primstar to make sculpties and export them to SL, learn to use Blender or other 3D modeling software to make mesh objects.

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  • 1 year later...



Unless im mistaken the only reason one would use sculpt over mesh is if your parts have to change in a significant way. Meaning you want an animal where the object could randomly have long ears or short ears, without it having all the ears with only one shown. since once a mesh is uploaded its not going to change into a different mesh.


Times might have changed this but thats why im researching sculpts in blender now.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm not sorry, not actually, though people really piss me off with the arguments about sculpt vs. mesh.

Most educated people do not require a reply when they antagonize an individual with suggestion to just use mesh, not actually.

The same people are aware that a large scale mesh costs high LI. The same people are as well aware that there's not a necessity for fibreoptic lines, not actually. The problem with SL bandwidth has to actually do with lack of appropriate maximum system specifications.

If you really can afford a fast machine that has 3 video cards to render all that high poly sloppy mesh you want to upload so that the user base gets crippled with necessity for a $3000 machine, then that makes you an antagonist to the industry itself.

Mesh would drive the industry to its' doom.

Sculpts really are great & efficient within a context of rendering requirements.

Good luck, sculpty builders.


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JasonClandestino wrote:

Sculpts really are great & efficient within a context of rendering requirements.

Yes, sculpts can still be very useful and I think most good builders have a more balanced and realistic view on the sculpt-vs-mesh issue these days.

But... ummmmmm.... you did notice that the post you replied to is almost three years old, didn't you? That's a long time in SL and besides, it was in the early part of the Age of the Holy Mesh.

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