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Animal Avatars


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It depends on the avatar. If it's antho/furry, a lot of normal clothes will fit. If it's a tiny, I'm sure a wander around Raglan Shire will turn up some free things. If it has a custom shape (most animals that travel on four legs, mesh animals, etc), there will probably be a limited range of creators making stuff (possibly only the avatar creator).

What sort do you have?

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Are you literally an animal, like a cat or dog- or are you a hybrid (human shape with animal skin, ears, tail, etc.?)

If you are literally an animal, the choices might be more limited because animals don't wear clothes that often. If you are a hybrid, I would check out the various neko and furry shops and also the marketplace. 

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I am a humanoid but I am small like a dog. I am a lizard. I stand up on two leg but I am small like a dog. In addition I am looking for free clothing and already have furniture. I would have problems buying animal avatar clothing since alot of businesses wont hire animals for some reason. So I get my clothing option might be limited. Thanks for your replies.

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Raglan Shire does seem likely. The clothes may not fit directly, as that depends if you're actually a tiny or just tiny sized (tinies are obvious because they have no visable knee or elbow joint, so they bend rather like a Sylvanian Family toy). But even if you're only tiny sized, I bet you can get something that could fit with a bit of resizing.

Here's the welcome area, which has some freebies. There are also loads of shops scattered about which may have stuff.


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its hard to find clothing for non human characters becouse it has to be made specialy for that avatar

there are very little shops that do that, your best choise is probeply to make your own cloths for it.

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