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What are some things that bug you while you're on SL?

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Can I just say, as an aside (and complete tangent), that in this thread I just realised that none of the moderators have actually picked up on any of my Australian expletives. So I can say heaps of sweary things. If I ever choose. Neener.

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Group spam! Because the builder group, or cute little girl dress group really aren't interested in your hardcore subdom metal goth club. 

RP of any kind outside of expected RP areas. Yea, I really don't want to play your games thanks.

PAY groups that promise loads of gifts or whatever that post no updates, new products, gifts or anything else for 6 months. I just paid you 500L for what now?

Solicitations for sex, especially common among non-English speakers. Really, I just google translated because I thought you needed help. Well, with something other than your Johnson.

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I know I'll be reiterating a few.


Overdoing Tip requests.

DJ's who love the sound of their own voice and have to talk over every song they play.

DJ's who never talk. 

Clubs that are full of dance balls with floating text.  It destroys any and all ambiance.

Rezzing your couples dance right on top of the spot where I am already dancing.

Talking objects.  Tummy's, Xcite, Wedding Bands. 

FACELIGHTS!!!!!!!  Many people wear them because they were told it makes them look better.  However I have challenged them to do screen shots with and with out and show me that THEY see a difference.  They don't but sometimes I will send them a screen shot of just how bad it makes them look.

Last but not least, girls who refuse to dance with Martians.  What's with the prejudice?  We don't bite (unless you want us to) and we don't have tendrils that will invade and take over your body like some other alien species.  And you don't have to worry about getting pregnant.  It is the male of our species that carries the baby.  So just because we are green doesn't mean there is something wrong with us.


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Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

Group spam! Because the builder group, or cute little girl dress group really aren't interested in your hardcore subdom metal goth club. 

RP of any kind outside of expected RP areas. Yea, I really don't want to play your games thanks.

PAY groups that promise loads of gifts or whatever that post no updates, new products, gifts or anything else for 6 months. I just paid you 500L for what now?

Solicitations for sex, especially common among non-English speakers. Really, I just google translated because I thought you needed help. Well, with something other than your Johnson.

* Pay groups (thanks for the reminder!)

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* facelights which are to big and shiny (little bit is ok, cause it can really help to get strange shadows away)

* boring chat up lines or conversations which smell like they are turning into that (I can't stand it to answer 3 IMs with the exact same questions about where I come from, how I'm doing, blablabla...or the classic: calling me sexy without being able to point out what they like)

* extremly loud and stupid soundgestures (some gestures can be fun, but only in the right situation) if I go to a club, I like to listen to the songs I requestet not some silly screaming chick

* some people using voice chat. I had it already a couple of times where I was ready to turn my microphone on and scream on those people that they better switch to privat chat or record their own talking (or buy a working brain) -_-

The worst of them was a girl (sadly the rp daugther of one of my friends) who ate while she talked to us. Something like chips....I don't now. Oh, and she was talking like a spoiled brat.

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People that want to know my RL story before getting to know me

People with extremelly strong facelight that mess up mine

Nasty pornographic images floating in a sandbox,I tried to get away but endep up in a place with more pics

Dino Rex's arms,or any type of exagerated body


That's about it.

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  • People who think they're the most important thing in the world.  Example: the majority of the profiles in SL.  (Blah, blah, blah, I won't talk to you unless blah blah blah).
  • People who act like jerks in their profile
  • Pretentious snobs
  • Grammar whores
  • Check boxes in profiles (overused)
  • Male avatars that use that spikey brown hair style.  That one seems to be overused for some reason.
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Chatspeak. This is something I'm almost snobbish about. I can't deal with it. I don't use it, even if I send a text message, which is rare, I spell everything out. Poor spelling and grammar in General. I don't look for perfection, I make my share of mistakes, but the way some native English speakers attempt to communicate in SL is simply horrifying.

People who presume to dictate how other should or shouldn't be using SL. You don't have to like or approve of it. Just move on. This is a biggie for me.

That's pretty much it, I've taught myself not to be bothered by most things that may happen in SL.


Oh, I almost forgot. Meeroos. :P

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Gestures that go HOOOOOOOOOOO and spam lame ascii art.

People with generic pretty faced skins.

People who think their generic expensive skins make them better people.

Clubs where people dance afk nonstop.

Groups that sound interesting at first, but then teleport you to clubs where they dance afk nonstop.

People who say your avatar is sexy or expect you to say their avatar is sexy.  

Going to a Titanic sim expecting to find some kind of instanced adventure about a sinking ship and finding a giant dance hall full of afk people dancing.

The events list being full of sex related things making it impossible to find interesting, creative, and entertaining events.

That the overall potential of the game is mostly wasted due to peoples innate desire for sex and fake relationships.

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LuciaRiley wrote:

Just wondering, and am curious. Some of MY things are gesture spam, local chat spam.. and all that stuff. I really dislike gesture spam in clubs by the hosts, because they are annoying to me.

I use the Phoenix viewer and have gestures turned off so I no longer hear the snorting laugh, baby talk gestures, whatever that "Yesah" one is, etc.  It has made my SL sooo much more pleasant.

My former partner and I used to go out dancing a LOT - like every night.  We also loved to explore so we went to many different dance venues.  The first "Woot" we heard - we were gone. (This was prior to the Phoenix viewer.)


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Brenda Connolly wrote:

Chatspeak. This is something I'm almost snobbish about. I can't deal with it. I don't use it, even if I send a text message, which is rare, I spell everything out. Poor spelling and grammar in General. I don't look for perfection, I make my share of mistakes, but the way some native English speakers attempt to communicate in SL is simply horrifying.

This ^^^^^^.  That absolutely makes me grit my teeth and, even though I realize it's "usually" not the case, I tend to deduct about 100 I.Q. points from the person.  When I went out dancing more I used to have on my profile that l33t speak would be muted. 

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Oh good point. I totally forgot about that option....hope I can find it in Firestorm viewer....

I'm not a hater of gestures after all, but I had a pretty hard time at a club, where the staff even encourages the guests to use them. I ended up leaving their group, leaving the club and went to an escort sim, which had a really nice relaxed DJ, who played some good music. :catvery-happy:

And no gesture spam around me!

(sad, that I can't block them from filling up me chatwindow, I want to talk with people, not seeing some pictures and text all over it)

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Brenda Connolly wrote:

Chatspeak. This is something I'm almost snobbish about. I can't deal with it. I don't use it, even if I send a text message, which is rare, I spell everything out. Poor spelling and grammar in General. I don't look for perfection, I make my share of mistakes, but the way some native English speakers attempt to communicate in SL is simply horrifying.

People who presume to dictate how other should or shouldn't be using SL. You don't have to like or approve of it. Just move on. This is a biggie for me.

I had to chuckle a bit here, as the second statement seems to contradict the first. 

(lol, btw u r rly gr8)  :womanwink:

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yes true l33t is 7337 hehehe

sorry couldn't resist..

i spent way too much time around those guys when me and an old bf played UT

that and the clan using irc as our messenger because of yahoo bots and not liking msn hehehe

sooo glad that language has gone back underground or has vanished just enough  hehehe


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