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What are some things that bug you while you're on SL?

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Just wondering, and am curious. Some of MY things are gesture spam, local chat spam.. and all that stuff. I really dislike gesture spam in clubs by the hosts, because they are annoying to me. I know it's their job to do it sometimes, but it gets annoying seeing them spam it every 5 minutes. -__- I don't wanna have to close local chat just because of a staff member of a club, and I have friends at some who go who use local chat because we like talking to EVERYONE in it.

Anyway, what are some of your own pet peeves while using SL?

(Trolling, harassing, and otherwise flaming will result in your post being reported)

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I hate being told to tip repeatedly.   I realize that there are lots of people who don't think of it and need to be reminded that yes there are actual working stiffs in sl and they work for tips and don't draw a paycheck.  But once per gig is plenty.  And if the individual is not doing much of anything but begging for tips then I am inclined to ignore their repeated remarks.  If a host is being friendly and making me feel welcome then I don't need to be told to tip them, I'll do it.  Ditto for the performer doing their job.  And I know the venue needs support or they won't be open for long.  But I'm not made out of money. If I have to divvy it up between the venue and the host and the performer, guess what?  If I'm annoyed by too many requests then I'm not gonna feel like tipping.

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This last weekend while exploring I encountered two of them.

1. The notecard/landmark/whatever giver that spams you when you are near the store but not yet in it.  Was parked on the road checking out the map when a giver offered it to me not just once but three times before I got aggravated enough to mute it.

2. The security system that gives you just a few seconds of warning, if any at all, before sending you home.  Being pushed off the parcel to the street, OK, but being sent all the way home and trying to figure out where you were at the time in order to continue your exploring just ticks me off.

ETA: How about a forum spell checker that doesn't know such common terms as SL and notecard

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Once I was working in a club and there was a girl who always had tons of IMs (she never payed much attention to local chat) but just to show she's there, from time to time she was bombarding us all with a hard-core gesture spam, and really killing a great conversation! From that time I hate gestures.

Also, talking tummies that announce to the whole chat range what baby is feeling and what mommy should do. Every 3 mins!

People who teleport to a place and stay on the landing point forever... so if I come after, my avi is floating in the air untill someone pushes that person.

People who go in sandboxes to play with their 2000 prims and never clean after.

People who want a custom made thing but can't really decide how the thing should exactly look like.. or they decide but change their mind every 2 hours, IMing me every time to report about that change...

Guys who change their clothes every 3 years and feel invited to comment on other peoples clothes...

People who IM me saying hello, how are you... and then stay quiet for the next 5 months, after what they IM me again with the same question and reaction (I never figured that out).



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Beggars, who copy/paste their need for 'urgent rent assistance'/'lindens for new hair' in half the groupchats you can see, leaving behind 20 minutes of complaints from all the group members who are all tired of this. The spammer never hangs about to hear the first line of protests and calls-for-banning.

The same beggars who have nasty profiles and RL porny photos of "themselves" that require instant brainbleach if you stumble over them during the AR process.


Apart from that, it's all fairly cool, tummytalkers aside :)

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  • Random friend requests in various languages
  • Anyone who begs for lindens
  • Meaningless excessive spamming in chat
  • Club owners who let some people get away with anything, and others nothing
  • Non Club owners who think they own the club
  • Rudeness period
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Large radius facelights in public places... There's no reason a facelight should be any larger than 2m radius, yet people wear ones that are maxed out and end up making everyone else at the venue have to see SL the way THEY choose. I didn't buy a superb dark tanned skin so that some self-absorbed bimbo can completely white it out from 30m or more away. It's not about turning off attached lights or derendering these fools, it's about them changing the default for everyone in the area just because it's possible to do. I can understand if the person is new and naive, but it's the older ones who know better but still do it anyway that piss me off. Their need to be the speshial snowflake is so overwhelming that it becomes "to hell with everyone else", and I don't think others should have to pay the price for these peoples shortcomings. I also get a bit disgusted with the other people around who hate these super big facelights but don't speak up. One can sit and watch one of these nuclear facelight fools actually herd people around the venue or dancefloor like they were sheep, all moving to get away from the light, yet you almost never see anyone say a thing. I'm sorry but that's just weak.

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• Newbies asking a question and before you even have a chance to reply they are already ten sims away. :smileytongue:
• Excessive gestuberators :smileyfrustrated:
• Repeated "Show some Linden love" requests in a concert or club :smileyfrustrated:
• Too quick friendship offers (heck, can't we just have a nice chat without pushing that at the first meeting?)
• In a nude beach stranger wearing a HUGE appendix asking "Do you like what you see?"  :smileysurprised:
• Security orbs giving you only ten seconds to leave or else... :matte-motes-evil:
• Ban lines blocking navigable water passage when sailing :matte-motes-frown:
• Stupid senseless single names
• Unicode character abusers (in display names)
• People wearing AOs with silly stupid animations (there are good ones, get those...)
• Facelights

In spite of all those, I still tend to like SL. :smileyhappy:

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In no particular order:

  • Merchants that send the same notice out more than once.
  • Beggers and people that ask for stuff for free without it being offered first
  • People who spam their friends in IM's
  • Talking body parts and huds of any kind and at any time - if you can't talk for yourself, don't talk
  • Offering friendship before actually being a friend
  • Random TP's
  • Gesturebation
  • People who walk before they are fully rezzed and trod all over everyone
  • People I just met or haven't met sending RL pictures
  • Pick up lines
  • Drama queens and people who think they are above it all or a badass
  • People who can't carry on an intelligent conversation but insist on talking to me in IM


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The posts prior to mine have it mostly covered but I will add...

  • TP offers from new friends every time I log on, usually for voting in contests and Midnight Mania boards.
  • People at Infohubs who sigh and post a URL into chat when I have asked a serious question, as though my request for help is interrupting their posing in the fashions of 1986.
  • People who say "Bored!" in Local or group chat.  It's not the world's fault.  In a world rammed full with people from all over the world and with the creations built by thousands of minds, you cannot occupy yourself?
  • Region restarts chasing me all over the grid.
  • Stores that are too large.  I don't want fountains, benches, cafes and architecture; I want a wall full of pictures that I can cam along  quickly.
  • I live on the coast of the Colour Sims and, for some reason, the constant presence of large numbers of people standing motionless on the seabed drives me nuts.  I've heard it is something to do with Tiny Empires or something similar.  We call them N00bwrecks.
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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I don't like all the complaining... people always are saying something is wrong like my Facelight is too bright or something like that.


hahahaah now that is a facelight! I am soooo going to take a look at this pic again tomorrow morning when I wake up lolol

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* Blind TP's.

* Merchants who sign me up for "Mailers" when I never purchased from them (culling groups).

* Facelights of any size or shape.

* Friendship offers from strangers, and a 4 min convo does not mean you're my friend.

* People who friend you then never say another word to you for 2 years.

* People who walk into my house and have to get ejected.

* People who ask where I am from and how old I am after a 1 minute conversation.

I'm sure there's more.


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  • Random noobs who fall from the sky or wander into your home and then proceed to make themselves at home without ever saying a word.
  • Above mentioned noobs who then offer you a friendship request, again without ever saying so much as "hello".
  • Random TP offers.
  • People who complain about having to pay for items. (100L is less than 75 cents U.S. for goodness sake and content creators deserve to get paid for their work!)
  • Unthinking LL cheerleaders.
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Answering the phone, chasing away reli-vendors, urgent need to pee (although a bucket could solve that), seperate fighting kids, getting up and have to walk all the way to the kitchen to get something to drink and then walk back (thinking about placing a small fridge next to the bucket) and above all when my body is telling me i really really should go to sleep! Dang.

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Hahaha I agree with all posts! And lets add some more:

  • combat meter hud (or whatever its called)  in a allready laggy sim
  • really loud shoe sounds - few days ago I was at some sim all alone, and suddenly I hear someone walks, check the radar, noone near. So I thought its just some sim sound with a purpose to make you scared lol. Then after it didn't stop I check nearby people and see a lady 153 meters away! After I zoomed at her the sound was sooo loud that I tp-ed away:p
  • people who expect you to leave all that you've been doing and pay attention to them, same second they IM you!
  • child avatars that continue to use child talk after I said english is not my language and I really really have no idea what they want from me
  • some residents that are on SL for a long time and act like they own/know/made half of it! 
  • my inventory that needs cleaning every few days
  • all those subscriber notes that need to be deleted cause I'm too lazy to go and unsubscribe
  • and all those interesting strangers that I random chat and forget why I teleported to some place
  • that weird feeling when I accidentally meet one of the contacts from my friends list somewhere inworld and to find out I hide my online status from them lol 
  • stupid feeling when I forget the name of the person I need to meet or IM and leave my avi online for hours hoping the person will IM me

....to be continued :P


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