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Not being paid for items that HAVE BEEN delivered and received

Kyle Lebed

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I am not a regular here on the forums anymore but I thought it would be best to let everyone know (if you didn't know already) that it appears that the marketplace is delivering products but not paying the merchant.

In the last 3 weeks I have had 11 "customers" make inquiries about their purchase that I had no record of.

At first I thought oh well, a small glitch. This weekend I finally realized it was no small glitch at all.

I have one of the best selling items on the marketplace. I cannot imagine how many "customers" have paid for and received my product that I have not been paid a penny.

I am assuming LL gets this money? Are you kidding me?

After 5+ years in SL - I think the sky finally IS falling. Just a heads up :-)

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this latest disasterous problem has already been talked about in another recent thread....

Related Thread

In this thread we were all talking about how to place ONREZ scripts in all your listings to know that a sale was made in MP without the merchant being notified. 

LL is collecting the sale but MP at times decides not to notify or pay the merchant for the sale.  Since LL in their wisdom believed their DD solution was so good - they refused to place a DELIVERY NOTIFICATION into the new DD (unlike MB where we were told of the sale and the delivery).

MP is messed up in so many ways thanks to LL's DD deployment - this is just another one and a SERIOUS one.  Now MP is unstable and unreliable.


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Note in the other thread that the ON REZ scripts that was offered are good to help you notice that a MP customer bought and rezzed your item without MP notifying or paying you.... but there are some limits to this check.  If you have items that are COPY or Full Perm... then even if the script deletes itself from the box - the next rez of the item from inventory will have the script again.  So... you could start getting a larger and larger problem of email notifications from 10s or 100's of customers every time they rez your time for use.

Its all talked about in the other thread.

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its an option.  The script that actually does this is very simple and was posted.  I wrote my own that adds a few more bells and whistles - like it does an inventory check and sends that to me as part of the delivery email - that way not only do i see where it was rezzed, by whomm, who was the creator of the item... but also the inventory of content so that if a customer says there was something missing in the pack i can see if this was true.

BUT... i am nervous about deploying it for all my packs because once these scripted packs sell... i cant stop them from notifying me in the months / years to come since I sell full-perms builders boxes.

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Thanks for the info Toy but that's definitely not an option for me as my item is copy. I would end up with 1000's of IMs/emails.

Really - what good would it do? I already know it's happening.

LL should make this the #1 priority. After reading through some of the threads here it appears there are endless issues.

Such a shame but not that much of a surprise.

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If you have actual proof, Kyle, could you please submit a JIRA on this issue because, to my knowledge, we all know it is happening but no JIRA's have been submitted for it! We will all vote and watch it. We just can't submit since we don't have proof.


Also, are these product in magic boxes or on DD?

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You know i suggested a while back that LL be given a 50% cut in our Marketplace sales if they would bring their tier rates down to a quarter of what they are now. But taking 100% on half our product sales and not even reducing the tier rates at all to compensate is just unacceptable. ;-)

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Well, I had the same problem: some of my items were sold, but I was not payed. 

And it is a completely different problem then the one discribed in the "related thread" (where some items were delivered to the customers, but the merchant received a "undelivered"-message and was not payed).

In my case the following happend: a girl bought one of my items, and was charged for it. She received and reviewed (!) the product. When reading the review, I became suspicious, because I knew exactly, that this customer did not appear in my transaction history (it was a friend of mine, who was visiting me a couple of times when I was building the item). So I contacted my friend and she gave me the (8-digits-) order-number she found in her order history!! As you all know, order-numbers normaly have 10 digits now. This specific order definitely didnt appear in my transaction history (not as a delivered, and not as an undelivered item) and I didnt receive the money for this transaction either. Then I checked the reports of the "orders"... and there I found this transaction!!

Im not sure at all, but I think, that merchants are not payed for delivered items with a 8-digit-order-number. I have no idea, why such order-numbers occur, or why merchants are not payed for these transactions. If you want to know, if you are affected by this problem aswell, then you should probably search the orders-report (and not the transaction-history) for 8-digits-order-numbers.

P.S.: I hope my message is understandable, and Im sorry for any mistakes, but Im not a native english speaker...

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Seleena Pherala wrote:

Well, I had the same problem: some of my items were sold, but I was not payed. 

And it is a completely different problem then the one discribed in the "related thread" (where some items were delivered to the customers, but the merchant received a "undelivered"-message and was not payed).

In my case the following happend: a girl bought one of my items, and was charged for it. She received and reviewed (!) the product. When reading the review, I became suspicious, because I knew exactly, that this customer did not appear in my transaction history (it was a friend of mine, who was visiting me a couple of times when I was building the item). So I contacted my friend and she gave me the (8-digits-) order-number she found in her order history!! As you all know, order-numbers normaly have 10 digits now. This specific order definitely didnt appear in my transaction history (not as a delivered, and not as an undelivered item) and I didnt receive the money for this transaction either. Then I checked the reports of the "orders"... and there I found this transaction!!

Im not sure at all, but I think, that merchants are not payed for delivered items with a 8-digit-order-number. I have no idea, why such order-numbers occur, or why merchants are not payed for these transactions. If you want to know, if you are affected by this problem aswell, then you should probably search the orders-report (and not the transaction-history) for 8-digits-order-numbers.

P.S.: I hope my message is understandable, and Im sorry for any mistakes, but Im not a native english speaker...

Did you submit all this information into the JIRA or create a new JIRA?  This is 100% evidence of the MP sales handling system failing and a possible root cause.

If you havent yet - please do this and provide all the details on the transaction number to them.

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