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Are there ANY just, fair and non-dirty Lindens in this game?

Nikana Demonge

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Seriously if you have been stalked, harassed, for months and months and you file report after report WITH LOGS, and you hear nothing back what level is there next?  When you even have logs signed from a linden themselves harassing you WITH this person and you report it, and yet again nothing happens then what?  Honestly are there any lindens on this staff that are not residents that use their abilities in such a way they are breaking every TOS written, and if you dare to attempt to defend yourself they threaten to ban you account?  I have tried so hard not to go public with this but I am truly at my whits end that certain people are allowed to make your SL a living hell because they have a few linden friends that allow them to do so.  Its sick, and its sad.


End Rant-


For the record - defend myself did not mean use weapons, and I have muted 15 of this persons alts already, and filed 25 reports and it looks like this is going to produce nothing good either.

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If you have a specific complaint, I suggest that you file an Abuse Report and include as much factual information as you have.   This is a resident to resident forum and Lindens never come here at all, so it doesn't do a thing to share your rant with us.  We can't do anything with it.

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Welcome to Second Life Forums, Nikana.

It sounds like you are having the Second Life Hell Version, and I do not understand why this should be so. 

If by "defend yourself" you mean you battle against your abusers with weapons, then why do that? You can't kill an avatar, and people who harass others just get a buzz out of baiting someone.  All you are doing when you use weapons etc on another is causing stress on the asset servers, and using weapons against another is against ToS. LL will never be on your side when you do this.

Not wishing to add to your current level of misery, do you not think it would be a lot better for you to make use of the block/mute button; sit on a prim if someone tries to physically blast you out of a sim.  And, yes, AR, but never retaliate. Fighting fire with fire tends to just cause a bigger fire, and no one wins.

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OK, you need to understand the Abuse Report system.

First, you can AR anyone.  Even someone who says they are a Linden.  Every real Linden I've met has the last name "Linden", and has been very polite and helpful.  Lindens are not allowed to use their godlike powers for personal gain or for vendettas against residents...either as themselves or as alts.  I am not saying that it has never happened...but I have never seen it in almost five years here.  I suspect that either 1) you aren't telling us the whole story, or 2) you are dealing with people who claim to be Lindens but are not.

Second, you will NEVER get any sort of response telling you what Linden Lab did, or did not do, to the person you reported.  Linden Lab protects everyone's privacy, even the privacy of slimeballs who should be (and sometimes are) kicked off the grid.

Third, your best and most immediate defense against griefers is not the Abuse Report, but your Block button.  Right click an offending avatar, select Block (or Mute, in older viewers.)  Or call up their profile and click the Block button.  Presto, problem solved.  They can no longer send you chat, IMs, voice, or objects.  They appear on your screen as a formless gray silhouette.  They are effectively erased from your SLife.

EDIT:  Keep right on submitting ARs and muting alts as they appear.  Eventually the stalker will get tired of the game and go away.  In very extreme cases, you might consider creating an alt yourself and starting over.  It's painful, and I hate to suggest caving in to a stalker in this way -- but sometimes it's the best choice available.


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Hire a lawyer.  Sue the stalker.  Get their RL details from LL.  Take them to court.  Do the same with the individual Linden Lab employees you say are doing this or helping with it.

As always, if RL law seems too extreme then this is just SL drama.  You've created a brand new alt to come here.  Just walk away from the old one.

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