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Gifts not sending from market

Jessica Pyara

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I've tried purchasing 1 particular item as a gift for a friend 5 times now, each time she has been online to receive the item and immediately I get something telling me it is in queue for delivery and if it takes longer than 8 hours my L$ will be refunding, every single time it has failed to send why?

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If your friend has never ordered anything by Direct Delivery from Marketplace, then the Marketplace servers may have a hard time identifying her.   Recommend to your friend that she buy a freebie item like https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Direct-Delivery-Linden-Bear/3290638 or https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MAGIC-WAND-Stops-Animations/3475671

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It could be almost anything since you've told us nothing about wher or how you are buying this thing.  If it is on LL's marketplace then there are so many problems it is normal for it not to work.  Your best bet is to find the merchant's in-world store, if they have one, and buy it there.  If that is not possible you might try contacting them directly.

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SL marketplace can fail on a whim. Gifting has always seemed to be a hard task for the marketplace to complete for some SL users. If this is the problem then nothing can be done about it. Perhaps try gifting your friend something else, or giving your friend the lindens for said gift? I know that ruins the element of surprise but well..not much us users can do about it. 

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