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Anyone looking to hire a female fur..?


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Anyone looking to hire a female fur.. Will do pretty much any kind of job. Fast learner and easy to get along with. Need any info or are hiring or know someone who is please hit me up in IM I am on almost 24/7.

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Welcome to the wonderful world, where being just human is not the only option.....I wonder if you would ask everyone who doesn't look like a 0815 guy who could easily work at the supermarket down the street, if he or she is doing some rolepay. :catindifferent:

Fur is a short term for furry. This has very little to do with roleplay, its more a choice of how someone likes his/her avatar to look like.

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I know she is a female fur...and I have nothing against furries...cause I also have 2 or 3 big cat avas and a wolf ava.


I only asked what she meant with ....hire a female fur . . . .

means female fur...anything like

female fur escort

female fur dancer

female fur designer...etc...etc...


no reason to talk to me the way you did :0)

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