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I cannot move items from one inventory window to a new folder in another inventory window.


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I use the most recent version of Viewer 2....I cannot move items from one inventory window to a new folder in another inventory window. Please help! My inventory is getting more and more disorganized with every new purchase I make.

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I don't think that will be possible in the official viewer as it gets more and more noobed down in terms of usability. I had to remove some really annoying patronizing inventory handling restrictions for Firestorm that were introduced in Viewer 3.3.1. So either you have to live with that restrictions or you should change to a different viewer that allows such actions.

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You do have to be patient sometimes.  Especially on a busy sim, the servers sometimes delay or even stall when you are trying to transfer things from inventory.  It helps to click and hold for a second or two before you try to drag items.  It may also help to move to a different sim.  Smith, Aqua, and Pooley are very quiet ( = dull and boring, underwater) sims that are great for doing anything with inventory.

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I have the Mar 15 2012 release of viewer 3.3.0.  I can certainly take things from a folder in one inventory window and put them in a different folder in another one.  Somewhat suprisingly for SL it works as expected.

This doesn't help explain why you can't with the latest version - if it has been deliberately disabled that's insane even by LL's standard.

ETA:  Perhaps you were having inventory-server issues rather than inventory-window problems?  Unless your computer is really stressed that sounds more plausible, especially if the area was laggy as Rolig suggests.

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