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What to do if you suspect your content is being copied?

Kwakkelde Kwak

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It happens.

Stuff gets ripped.

The stuff gets distributed.

What should one do when they suspect their things are stolen? I think they should use the LL channels and file a DMCA. They could contact the suspected "thief" privately, in a civil matter.

I know the feeling since it happened to me at least once or twice, in almost all cases I could be civil and calm, but depending on the reaction it has happened I did lose my cool. This however is no reason to accuse someone in the open, especially if there is no hard proof. That proof should be verified by LL or if the creator wants to by a judge in court.

If there is no established proof, and it turns out the accusations are false ...serious harm to a person could be done, well how serious is SL...but still. Being falsely accused is worse than copying things I think, not that I promote that in any way:)

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Let's try not to make this about anything or anyone particular.  If you believe that content has been stolen there are proper channels and ways to go about dealing with it.  I, myself, have had items directly copybotted and have filed my reports with LL.  While it does not publicly declare something to be a copybotted item, it does remove the item from in-world.  There are proper channels to go through in situations such as these and we all need to remember how to deal with it.  

If you feel your work has been copied file a report with Lindens or a DCMA through civil means.

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