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maplesky Nightfire

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My cat ran across the keyboard while I was playing Second Life. The SL screen was fully open with no other application opened. Suddenly the SL screen minimized (became smaller in it's full sized playing screen) and two black strips appeared on either side. I cannot move the cursor into the black areas and the three boxes at the top right corner _ (square)X are gone.

I have already reinstalled phoenix. it's not a Phoenix issue but something has happened where SL seems to have different resolution or screen size preferences. I don't know how to change them or anything. I have tried changing the resolution through display settings. it has something to do with that F1/FN-Screen key. I have an Inspiron N7010 and I have looked for answers in the dell forum. Please help me out if you can. Thanks.   

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We have a cockatiel who tries all kinds of ways to distract me when I'm doing anything - I think he was a cat in his previous life !

Always remember - never panic - unless you had launched a wet drink over your computer, all can be undone and put right again.

valerie's reply should work, or right clicking your mouse around the top edge of the screen could give you some more menu options.

Wishing you luck, and hope you are fixed now.

(Bad kitty :catwink: )

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